Indian Railways - harrasment by person representing himself as TTE
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Complaint by: manish on February 19, 2013, 9:12 am in Indian Railways

I am travelling in delhi jaipur double decker train from jaipur to delhi.

My wife and parents are also travelling in the same train one of the person presenting himself as TTE in coach C10 asked them to show their ID proof they did show however he kept their ID with him .My parents had a doubt and asked the person presenting himself as TTE to show proof he refused. They came running towrds me .when I enquired the person misbehaved with me and threatened to take me to police .The guard of the train also refused to take the complain.

Please answer whether TTE are exempted from carrying I card or name plate.

I request you to look into the matter as I and my old parents have been humilated in public .Please examine who was TTE ofC10 Ac double decker on 12.02.2013. from jaipur to delhi and take action against him

Complainant's Goal: to acheive justice and action against official
Complainant's Target: Indian Railways
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaGurgaon
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Wed, 20 Feb 2013  Andrew

Dear friend is ur complaint resolved on the issue