Matrix Cellular International Services Pvt. Ltd - Super convenient
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Complaint by: ravi gupta on December 21, 2015, 12:57 pm in Telecommunications

   I was in Paris for 3 months and my father had got me a matrix post paid sim for my usage. I really didn't have to worry about first getting a local number and then running to recharge it everytime I was low on credit. Literally every penny counts there. Plus my parents had my number even before I got there and my colleagues also easily got in touch with me when I landed. Super convenient :) 

Complainant's Goal: Super convenient
Complaint Location: India
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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 - Business Reply from - Matrix Cellular (Matrix Cellular International Services Pvt. Ltd)

Hi Ravi,

Thank you for your feedback and using our services. We are delighted to know that you had a great experience. Kindly share your details at so that we can send you a small token of appreciation.

Team Matrix