Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. - Tikona (Bangalore). No action taken against disconnection request
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Complaint by: snigdha on September 1, 2015, 7:38 pm in Internet Related

We took a broad band connection from Tikona in the month of June and because of its less upload speed (which does not full fill our requirements) we have decided to leave the connection and my husband called their customer care to disconnect it on date 20th July for the first time such that they able to disconnect it before the next bill cycle. But no they are not responding it till now after contacting their customer care executive several times and sending them several mails. At the time of talking customer care people always ask him to continue the connection when he tell them to disconnect it. This is not a rule. My husband is repeatedly calling their customer care to send the finale settlement of the bill also against the connection which we are not using last 1st August 2015, but no they are not responding only they tell "Process will be completed by next two days". Dont know when their two days will come and what to do since we are very busy people have no time to call them again and again also we will leave this address after few days. Also my husband is receiving repeatedly reminder messages for the payment of the service which we are not using for last one month.

We are getting frustrated with this the TIKONA service, please resolve it as soon as possible.
(Tikona Account Id: 1113545904)

Complainant's Goal: Do the disconnection as soon as possible
Complainant's Target: Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd.
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Thu, 17 Sep 2015   Message By Complainant snigdha

how much more time you need for solving my problem? This icomplaint service also not able to resolve my problem, Tikona people are not taking it seriousely. Few days back my husband got a call from their customer care ti remind about the pending bill, they have time for this but have no time to resolve customer's problem, really really very disgusting service, worst service.

Now you guys ley me know what else we need to do for settling it.

Mon, 07 Sep 2015 - Business Reply from - Tikona Care (Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd.)

Dear Mr. Borah,

Greetings from Tikona.

With regards to your concern, we confirm that your disconnection request is in process.

Post termination the devices will be recovered from your premises and the Full & Final calculation amount will be calculated.

For any further issues/queries, you can contact us on our toll free number 1-800-209-4276 or you can reach us at forum.tikona.in

Tikona Care

Mon, 07 Sep 2015   Message By Complainant snigdha

Tikona prople, you guys are really making us fad up with your service, no words to say. You are making us frustated, very very disgusting. I necer had experienced such type of services in My life from anywhere.

Sat, 05 Sep 2015   Message By Complainant snigdha

Tikona people, how can I be assured??? You guys yet not Initiating any step to resolve my problem, please let me know how much more time you need?

Wed, 02 Sep 2015 - Business Reply from - Tikona Care (Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd.)

Dear Snigdha,

Greetings from Tikona.

Please be assured that your concern listed Sept 01, 2015 has been noted and our team is working on addressing the same.

Tikona Care