Indiatimes Shopping - Product not delivered in 16 days as per 6 day delivery claim
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Complaint by: rohit on June 13, 2009, 10:26 pm in Online Shopping

Fraud by Indiatimes Shopping...
I have made the payment by my credit card on 30th of May 2009 to Indiatimes online shopping for Stereo Earphones 3.5mm - Buy One Get One Free. My order number is 111664054 .It is been maintained that product will get delivered within 6 days.
5th of June I called to track the details they replied the product got returned to merchant and told the product will get delivered within 13th of June.

13th I called to track details because its 15 days from the day of booking Miss Sonkshi Bhutia from customer care executive disconnected my call. Again I called to customer care they placed my call on hold nobody replying. After half an hour I called they replied they won’t refund my money and delivering of product within 6 days is not their responsibility. I have to wait for one month after making the payment but as their website claiming within 6 day product delivery. They replied they won’t refund my money back. As I told I want to talk to their senior manager they replied today (13th June) and tomorrow (14th June) you will sure get call from our manager. I didn\'t receive any communication from them.

Rohit Jaiswal

Complainant's Goal: To make people aware of fraud of Indiatimes shopping
Complainant's Target: Indiatimes Shopping
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaGurgaon
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Wed, 17 Jun 2009  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Indiatimes Shopping on June 17, 2009, 11:59 am