Bayer Cropscience ltd - My three landlines not working from last four months but we have received bills
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Complaint by: RAJESh on October 15, 2010, 4:46 pm in Telecommunications

This is reference our following three landline numbers which are not working from last three-four months and we received bills for the same on time . We also log complaint time to time at your good office but till the problem not solve.

Tele. No. Consumer no. Current bill no.
KRR/ 2285895 PBCHD20050210808 T051020105888349
KRR/ 2285892 PBCHD20050210809 T051020105888348
KRR/ 2285897 PBCHD20050210810 T051020105888351

You are requested to pls look into the matter and confirm.

Complainant's Goal: I want my telephones work. our amount Remburse paid against not using services
Complainant's Target: Bayer Cropscience ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaKharar mohali
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