BSES Rajdhani Power Limited - Complaint Against Wrong Electricity Bill
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Complaint by: Deb on July 29, 2010, 9:01 pm in Others

The BSES Limited,
New Delhi

Sub.: Complaint Against Electricity Bill CRN No. 2********5(Regarding excess bill for the month of June & July)


This is with reference to the Complaint against electricity bill. The above meter is in the name of of D Acharya vide connection no. K.No.:2660w3552294 CRN No.: 2********5 R/o rzd2/44,kh no: 758/99,gali no 4 and 5, Mahavir enclave.

We received the electricity bill for the period of 01.06.2010 to 13.07.2010 and I got shocked when I saw the bill i.e. for Rs 8394.38. Last bill, which I was paid for the month of May 2010 was for Rs. 2802/- for Unit 640.We have made a complaint on 25.06.2010 about the meter is dead Vide complain no E2********509, for which the BSES turned up on 5th july 2010 for checking and found to be the meter is faulty. As per their record the meter was stopped working on total 1600 unit from the date of Installation ( 18.04.2010 ) till ( 25.06.2010 ). The new Meter was installed on 07.07.2010 and till date ( 29.07.2010) is 203 Units.

It is not at all possible to consume for a domestic consumer of total 1948 unit in a single span of 15 days, as most of the days we are out of town. This is excess billing need to be checked properly at your end which can be due to not proper reading taken by the executive authorized for this area. Therefore you are kindly requested to please correct/rectify the bill and take necessary action

We tried to give the written complain at Area Office C-2D, Dabri Mour, Janakpuri on 29.07.2010, but all goes in vain as your customer service representative denied to register our complain and state that what has been bill provided all are correct and we are not going to accept any complain. This very embarrassing that your customer service representative are not responding properly.

You request to kindly consider the request and advise

Thanking you,
D Acharya
Mobile no: ********05

Complainant's Target: BSES Rajdhani Power Limited
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Mon, 13 Sep 2021  Murti Davi

My CA no is 150909257 in the name of Murty Davi, 2506,6th Floor, The Sleuth CGHS Ltd, Sector 19-B, Dwarka, Delhi, Mb no. ********33.
I am surprised when I got a electricity bill of Rs 61,608/-. When I contacted to Dwarka Mod Electrical office they intimated that no meter reading was taken by electrical department from April to July (31.3.21-31.7.21) and bill were raised provisionally on average bases monthly. Now meter readings are taken on 31.7.21 after 31.3.21 and bill has been made accordingly.
I have paid all bill raised by BSES monthly ie. Rs 9580/- in May,21,=, Rs 9640/- in june 21, Rs. 10610/- in July,21. i e total Rs 29830/- are paid by me from May to July,21 which was raised by BSES. Now BSES has sent bill of Rs 61608/- which is totally wrong ang cheating as BSES has taken meter reading on 31.7.21 and did not taken any reading monthly but has calculated the bill on the bases of reading taken on 31.3.21. Reading of 31.7.21 and reading of 31.3.21 shows 8128 payable units and bill is prepared simply putting in slab of 806 units @Rs 3/- PU, 807 units @Rs 4.50, 1613 units @ 6.50/-, 1613 units @ Rs 7/- and all balance in 3289 units @Rs 8/- per unit and adding all taxes on % bases. We are moving door to door of BSES but staff is insulting even not hearing the complaints.
It is not our fault that BSES has not taken reading every month from April to july, 21 moreover we have paid all bill raised on monthly bases by BSES then how cumulative units of four months are considered for making one bill of 8128 units and deducted what ever is paid by us on monthly bases. This
has automatically put these 8128 units in high consumed units slab of high rate per units and made wrong bill. As such it is clear cheating. BSES should not indulge in such act. These 8128 units are not of one month units but are of cumulative of four months, So average of these 8128 units spread in 4 months ie @ 2032 units per month and bill should be made for each month and such 4 bills should be made by fitting in slabs -806 units @ Rs 3/- + 807units @Rs 4.50/- and balance 377 units @ Rs 6.50/- ie total Rs 8500/- for one month and Rs 34000/- for 4 months bill + taxes. I hope BSES will do justice with us and will not compel us for knocking the door of consumer court for redressal of complaint.
Murty Davi, 2506,6th Floor, The Sleuth CGHS Ltd, Sector 19-B, Dwarka, Delhi, Mb no. ********33

Mon, 07 Jun 2021  swapan

CA no 152080100 bill is raised without meter reading

Fri, 29 Dec 2017  Dilip kumar panjwani

wrong reading bill related

Thu, 06 Sep 2012  MANISH SHARMA

to rectify the wrong electricity bill charges this month

Tue, 30 Nov 2010  rajender singh

I support this complaint.

Wed, 08 Sep 2010  firoj ansari

To, Date-08-09-2010
The Business Manager
BSES Rajdhani Power Limited
C-2,D, Dabari Mour Janakpuri
New Delhi-110058.

Subject: - Wrong Arrear charges against K.NO.2660W5531420.

Dear Sir,
This is in continuation to my letter Dated 26 August 2010 and several verbal communications with regrets I want to state that I am getting bills with wrong arrears continuously, Please note that as per your records(manual register) the arrears are of Mrs.Bimla Yadav Resident of R.Z.D-69/1,GFKHMO83/24, Gali no.4, Mahavir Enclave New Delhi.
His/Her Old KNO.7PM50******** (CRN 2660W5531395/2********0) has been transferred to my K.NO.2660W5531420 /CRNO.2********7. As these dues are not concerned to me.
Hence you are requested to remove the arrears of Rs.3690/- from my account immediately.


With best reg.

Sali Atta Kujain

Copy to:-CC
• COO BSES Neharu Place.
• Secretary DERC.

Thu, 29 Jul 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to BSES Rajdhani Power Limited on July 29, 2010, 9:01 pm