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Complaint by: deepa on November 5, 2012, 3:44 pm in Online Shopping
I purchased 2 products from Timtara and I made transaction to Timtara through Techprocess gateway.
But only 1 of the product is delivered. The other product Timtara Order #10299970 was cancelled but the payment is not refunded for past 2 months.
So I lodge complaint against techprocess for chargeback Rs 6121 from Timtara.
The order number is #10299970.
I made order on 1st August. But it was not delivered for more than 5 weeks.
So cancelled the order. The status turned to Refund pending.
Today it is about 3 months still they have not refunded.
Thank you,
Complainant's Goal: i want my money back
Complainant's Target: Timtara.com
Recent Comments
You are really lucky that you got at least one item.