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Complaint by: Ranga on February 23, 2011, 4:17 pm in Online Shopping


I believe bagititday is putting all possible efforts to turn me into an unsatisfied customer. This is how you are doing it. I ordered a goods vide order # 1001873753 against advance payment on 18th January 2011 which has not yet been dispatched till today. Whereas my order vide # 1002679478 against Cash on Delivery has been dispatched.

The only thing which I could understand is "If you pay in advance we will use your money for longer time delay the dispatch where as if you do not pay in advance, we will make sure that we get the money as soon as possible by dispatching the good immediately".

I have made 4 calls to your office and all 4 times the same story was repeated "Due to technical snag your order has not been punched". Again I was made to understand today “Your order is not pouched if you pay in advance and punched immediately if you do not pay in advance".

I was promised that seniors will call me the day I got in touch with your office as they were either having lunch or busy on another call. I am not surprised if they were talking to unhappy customers like me. In addition I have registered complaints on your website for which I never got answer.

I am expecting following from you.

1) My good will be dispatched today

2) A senior will call me to confirm the dispatch

3) I am compensated for the delay in dispatch

4) If even one of the above does not happen, INR 399 paid by me vide order # 1001873753 will be credited tomorrow first thing in the morning to my bank through which I made payment.

A frustrated customer,

R Kulkarni

Complainant's Goal: To get the order dispatched or get the refund immediately and also get compensat
Complainant's Target: Bag It Today
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Wed, 23 Feb 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Bag It Today on February 23, 2011, 4:17 pm