Timtara.com - Delay in Delivery/Refund Request
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Complaint by: Puru on February 26, 2013, 4:06 pm in Online Shopping

An order placed on 22nd Dec 2012 for a Perfume with an Order ID of 10374412. The Item has been with the status of Awaiting shippment till date. Every time i had been calling up to check the status and further updates all the customer care executive are repeating the same line since the 1st day that my issue would be addressed in 36-48 Hours.

I also tried to put in a cancellation request on 25th Jan and the email was sent to payal@timtara.com, which hasn't yet been acknowledged or processed. I have been calling up the customer care each day trying to understand what the issue in cancelling my order and issuing a refund for the Rs.1,600/- i had paid, but still i don't see any responses.

I happen to speak to Mr. Himesh from the corporate office on 6th Feb, who assured me that my item would be shipped by 15th Feb, i am not sure which year did he speak of since there is no update further to that.

I have sent multiple emails to multiple email ID's i could gather as below, but seldom this is a worthless site and responseless site as i am yet to receive a single acknowlegement of my emails.

customerfirst@timtara.com, cco@timtara.com, raja@timtara.com, abose@timtara.com, info@timtara.com, kangan@timtara.com, tanu@timtara.com, sushant@timtara.com, amit@infosecure.co.in, accounts@infosecure.co.in, info@direcpay.com, nisha@timtara.com

Based on the feedbacks/reviews on multiple forums about this website this is a pure scam since once the order is placed and the amount is charged no one from the company bothers to respond to the customers requests/phones/emails. This company is claiming to be one of the Top Highly rated for user experience, by DATAQUEST, which i believe is paid by Timtara to publish such an article.

I have spent enough resources on calling up the customer care office in Noida from Pune on which i am incurring ISD charges, plus all the stress factor that this website has given me in 10 years of online shopping experience which is the worst amongst the worst of all.


Complainant's Goal: I want my Money Back
Complainant's Target: Timtara.com
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraPune
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Recent Comments
Mon, 04 Mar 2013  Shanti R

You can look for a refund next as it is not worth spending more time on this. If paid via credit card, please contact your bank and request for a chargeback. If it was paid using debit card you will have to email the payment gateway people and ask for a refund. I got it done within a day and money was credited to my account after i emailed the payment gateway grievance cell and cc their CEO. Good luck!!