Dear Sir/Madam,
With reference to the miscommunication on the deduction and subsequent discussion with your executive this day, regarding the previous balance transfer in credit card ending 5059. Where my previous purchased amount has been charged an interest of INR600.00 approx. I would request you to return the interest which has been taken out of my knowledge.
From 2005 I had been using this card with proper payback record including no. of BTs.
(Request: Please do not allow your marketing/sales for out source, by which for the sake of incentive proper communication is not given to the customer. Here I had been ensured 3months 0% interest with 1% one time processing fee and later the amount remitted against my outstanding did not deduct the purchased amnt (~INR9000.00) and levied an interest of ~INR 600.00. The outsource may cause to loose a customer Please take care at least for your other customers. By which my financial plan got disturbed as I need to close the BT first completely, so that I can avoid the interest for the purchase amt. This is almost like I could have paid in my other card itself rather than going for Balance Transfer with you.)
I hope I had communicated my experience, may be there are few gaps. It is due to fourth repetition of the same experience.
Expecting a response on the above.
An email communication has been sent to HSBC India on February 26, 2010, 9:13 pm