eBay India Private Limited - Received warranty void HTC Desire 826 smart phone from ebay
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Complaint by: on September 12, 2015, 2:15 pm in Online Shopping

Dear icomplaints Team,

I have recently become the victim of online fraud. Hence, I urge all the online buyers to be extra cautious while buying branded products online. “Why?” I have tried to detail all the issues and pain I had with recent online purchase of smart phone on ebay.in.

The HTC Desire 826 smart phone that I bought from eBay on 16th July, 2015 is no more functioning. Touch screen is not working at all. I cannot unlock the phone and hence cannot even type anything on the phone. I am not even able to shutdown phone once started. Problem started within just one month of the purchase. I had purchased this phone over ebay.in by paying Rs. 22596/-. I understand being long term mobile phone user that product could have malfunctioned. But when I had approached HTC Service Center in Camp area of Pune around 16th August, 2015 I was denied service and warranty of this phone purchased just a month back. HTC Service Center and HTC Customer Care had reviewed my phone, phone box, warranty card, invoice from eBay and actual eBay seller i.e. iKoncept after which they confirmed that the eBay seller named iKoncept is neither authorized nor registered seller of HTC phones. To my shock they have shown me complete list of HTC authorized sellers which does not include iKoncept. This list is also available on htc.com/in under "Buy now" option for HTC Desire 826 where you can search location wise sellers. I also have this confirmation from HTC Service team in email and they have provided all the sellers list to me from Delhi/New Delhi in PDF format which does not include iKoncept. On the other hand eBay and sellers invoice that I have received shows that iKoncept is seller from New Delhi. I have also recorded my audio calls with HTC Customer Care, Service team which confirm over the phone that iKoncept is unauthorized seller and hence my phone is warranty void. I have been following up with eBay and its seller iKoncept since 17th August, 2015 on this matter to refund my money as I am not interested in buying warranty void phones. I have already given them all the proofs including call recording, HTC email confirmation, PDF document received from HTC, HTC website details that confirms iKoncept is fake seller along with invoice copy, phone box image etc. But to my surprise global brand like eBay is not at all helping me out with eBay guarantee claim#1171583 raised on 17th August, 2015 thereby avoiding refund to me and encouraging such fraudulent sellers. After several unsuccessful follow-ups with eBay and seller iKoncept,

I am looking forward to get refund of my money with penalty for all the pain that eBay and iKoncept has caused me.

But meanwhile I have decided to make people aware of fraudulent business done by ebay.in with the help of cheap local sellers like iKoncept selling warranty void products to public. I hope this message when made social would caution people from buying anything on eBay and other online websites thereby reducing number of online frauds happening around with genuine buyers like me. I have made available to public most of the proofs including audio call recordings with ebay, HTC. Below you can find details of the same. These calls would give you clear picture of how customers are treated and assisted by eBay. Their clear intention is to deny any assistance and make sure customer leaves behind his problem in frustration. Moreover to a funny extent, now eBay in a call happened on 7th September, 2015 have made a demand that I should produce confirmation about seller iKoncept from HTC on their letterhead. Without that they would not even consider my case for further processing. This is all so strange and unprofessional from eBay as they themselves are not able to produce any proof showing seller is either registered or authorized with HTC on their letterhead or even in email with scanned documentary proof that I could take to HTC.

Also be aware that the seller is registered on ebay.in with fake name ''mobile*''. Even ebay was shocked for a moment when they came to know that I have received invoice from iKoncept where in ebay.in there customer support executive could only verify '' mobile*'' as seller of my phone.

Certain details are mentioned below for information purpose only and to show how formally the fraud is executed by eBay and its sellers like iKoncept.
Mobile phone was shipped via "BLUE DART Airway Bill Details: ********820, PaisaPay ID 3********53. EBay guarantee claim id 1171583, Item number 1********763.

Address of this unauthorized ebay seller iKoncept is as below:

Contact Person: Ganesh Kumar
390, Ground floor,
Sant Nagar,
New Delhi 110065
Email: mobile@outlook.in
Mobile: 0********07

Phone is mostly switched off by seller and even at times ebay customer care was not able to reach him. I have recording confirming the same. Further he never responded using above email ID and instead used another email ID megaby_ftil5259sgo@members.ebay.in to which you can not send any email as I always got email delivery failure from it.

On the other hand, Ebay address is as below.

eBay India Private Limited,
14th Floor, North Block,
R-TECH Park,
Western Express Highway,
Goregaon (East),
Mumbai 400063,
Website: ebay.in
Email: insellerverification@ebay.com, DL-EBAY-IN-GRIEVANCE-OFFICER@ebay.com,
Phone: 1********29

Following are some of the proofs I have made available to public for reference.

1) Call with Ebay on 05-09-2015.3ga

2) Call with Ebay on 07-09-2015.3ga

3) Call with Ebay on 17-08-2015.mp3

4) Call with HTC on 02-09-2015.3ga

5) Call with HTC on 26-08-2015.3ga

6) ebay complaint email-2.pdf

7) ebay seller communication-1.pdf

8) Email delivery failure-1.pdf
9) Email to eBay with HTC confirmation on unauthorized seller-1.papi

10) HTC Desire 826 invoice-1.pdf

11) HTC Desire 826 phone box-1.pdf

12) HTC sales locations or dealers-1.pdf

You can see similar such frauds reported on below websites.


and many more you may find on google.

Here in above websites it is very clear that it is eBay responsibility to sort matter out. My case is crystal clear but still eBay is denying refund of my money. It is not in my interest to buy warranty void branded products on ebay.in and along with it buy this kind of painful services. Buying on eBay is just like wasting my hard earned money.
I request all the online buyers again to avoid buying anything from ebay.in and especially from this cheat seller.

It is my humble request and suggestion to all buyers that people stop buying anything on eBay and probably on other online portals as long as you do not get warranty confirmation from product manufacturer itself. You would otherwise be solely responsible for all the issues and services with that product.

Additionally, I hope icomplaints team would be able to help me spread this message to all online buyers and also assist me in getting refund of my money from ebay.

Lalit Jain

Complainant's Goal: I am looking forward to get refund of my money with penalty for all the pain.
Complainant's Target: eBay India Private Limited
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraPune
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