Matrix Cellular International Services Pvt. Ltd - Matrix Cellular I bought an unlimited data sim card & they charged me Rs 50,000
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Complaint by: Ali Akber on March 31, 2017, 6:30 pm in Telecommunications

I bought an unlimited data sim card for bangkok and clarified with the sales person if there was any FUP for the sim card. The reply was that the sim was completely FUP free and came with totally unlimited data. To my surprise after one month they billed me Rs 40, 000 for consuming half a GB of data.
Several emails have been exchanged with regards to this matter and I have been arguing with customer service people.
I have provided me with a local bangkok sim card and charged me Indian Roaming rates for internet, infact higher than Indian roaming rates.
If I would have used my local airtel sim card in Bangkok i would have got lesser bill than matrix.
The only thing they know to say is that you have been provided with the terms and condition while taking the bill. Even if the terms and conditions have the fine print mentioned about excess data usage, the customer always believes the sales rep and the sales rep clearly confirmed that the sim data plan was unlimited.
Now why on earth would I buy a sim card from India with Indian Roaming rates of USD20/MB and even if I did, wouldn't I be a fool to use internet worth Rs 40, 000?
They refuse to provide me an itemized detailed bill from the Bangkok telecom company with proper data usage rates mentioned on it.
How can they charge me roaming data rates for a local bangkok sim card is what I am asking from the company but they have no answer.
After so many month the amount of Rs 40, 000 have become some Rs 55, 000 after the so called late payment charges.
This company is not created to provide sim cards to customers, this company is formed to scam people and extort hard earned money .
I sincerely urge people to join hands and fight against such fraudulent company.
These people are threatening common people by threatening to go to court or settle outside court. Which telecom company will reduce the bill if you have genuinely used they data or made calls. Try negotiating Rs 50, 000 bill with airtel and you will get your answer. Airtel and vodafone will never discount any bill amount. There people are bargaining the bill amount as if its some tomato or potato.
Its a good thing I did not give my credit card to these people like other people did, else they would have charged my card and I would have to spend a fortune repaying my card back.
My main points are:
1. Which company charges USD20/MB for international data roaming.
2. Why is Matrix scared to provided me with an original itemized bill from the bangkok telecom company with the plan data rates mentioned on it, with authorized signature on it.
3. Why is Matrix charging ROAMING RATES on LOCAL country specific sim card for excess data or calls.

Clearly this is a conspiracy and matrix is conducting an ORGANISED LOOT and we can say LEGALIZED EXTORTION and the reason they are able to do it so boldly is because of the corruption in our govt and system.
I strongly urge people to join and come together if you want to save yourself and the future generation from these monsters.
To get in touch with me please contact me on
Also I forgot to mention, that the RS 3500/- I had paid was a security deposit for the sim card. The plan I had taken was much lower than that, and I was supposed to get some refund back when I returned the sim card back. I had also mentioned to your executive that I am going to thailand on a student visa and I am not going to return with in a month. For that I was told that the sim would get deactivated on its own and there was no issue regarding that. My visa stamp on my passport clearly shows my student visa stamp for thailand, I am sure your exec would have checked the stamp while issuing the sim card. Even then when I came back to India I had returned the card and yet I have not asked my refund back for the card.

Complainant's Goal: resolve issue and dismiss all claims for payment
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Mon, 03 Apr 2017 - Business Reply from - Matrix Cellular (Matrix Cellular International Services Pvt. Ltd)

Hi Ali,

It concerns us about your perception of Matrix Cellular services. We feel sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience with us. Please share your Matrix connection details with us so that we can investigate further. Please be assured customer satisfaction is our top most priority.

Team Matrix