Gulf Air - lost baggage - gulf air
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Complaint by: emkay on July 22, 2009, 3:53 pm in Airlines

Please reply to
or to

His Excellency

H.E. I have put my case through the gulf air web site couple of times, but none were replied, and as well i sent my self two letters and two letters were sent by my company,s advocate. I know the provacative letter by my companys letter has spoiled any favourble reply. Well I am pleading for my case and only for my personel items, hope fully this time my case can be considered favourably.

I am frquent flyer falcon member My name is mirza kaleem baig and the # 11648505-00-4.
the sequence of the flights on which I travelled:
Class date flight from to

Busi 18/12/98 GF 0162 Riyadh Bahrain
Busi 18/12/98 Gf 0516 Bahrain Abudhabi
Busi 19/12/98 GF 0052 Abudhabi Mumbai

On my arrival at mumbai my diplomat suitcase was missing. immediately I contacted the gulfair gound staff and lodged a complaint(See attachments), took the landing certificate. I requested the ground staff, for accommodation till i receive my luggage and some money for buying needfuls, but the ground staff bluntly refused and asked me to go to hyderabad and they will send the luggage. Totally upset over the issue reached the domestic mumbai terminal to find it in chaos as due to fog in New Delhi all delhi flights were delayed and the rush was mad. In the cercumstances I lost my hand bag carrying my travel documents cards and the passport. Had your ground staff would have given at leaset a days accommodation this wont have happened. Well almighty wants it to happen hence it happened. As my new passoport took time be made the visa to saudi was expiered and i was asked to cool my heels at home as a punishment to lose office cash and documents. From last ten years and couple of months i am with out any salary and just pulling hand to mouth.
I am a loyal frequent flyer and the voucher which entitile me to have free trip also expired, I will be grateful if I am given a ticket to malaysia and back as per my loyality points and some compensation for my lost baggage.

Complainant's Goal: to get compensation / my luggage
Complainant's Target: Gulf Air
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Recent Comments
Thu, 03 Jan 2013  Munir


Ref is made ARTICLE N0 # EC000087625PK dated 06/12/2012. FLIGHT NO # GFO765/LHO621/LH1120/EN0143 DATED 06/12/2012.BAG No # 01 SERIAL No 4/4 booked by PAKISTAN POST.

This bag contained many important and costly documents which were made by Spainish Embassy after the time of six month and I need immidiately I have complained many times but Pakistan post does not taking action still I am waiting for this letter.

So it is therefore requested that,please help me in this metter. Thanka

Munir Ahmed

Sun, 15 Jan 2012  suleman

my brother travelled from entebbe to mumbai on 24-12-2011, upon arriving at mumbai he did'nt receive 1 baggage with tag GF 84715, he logged the complaint & was told that baggage will be sent to Hyderabad, But so far we have'nt got any information about the bag. kindly advice us how to go about it

Wed, 06 Apr 2011  sameer ashraf

I would bring to your notice the loss of my bag that was lost by airport department at Athens airport on 24th dec 2010. My flight number was GF0039. kindly give attention on my request. I hope to hear from you soon.
from Sameer ashraf

Thu, 30 Sep 2010  Ayesha Warsi

I support this complaint. and if u can entertain his complaint enterrtain my complaint atleast ...its been more than a month and we dint get our which we have atleast luggage of 50000 tell me wat to do ...... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee

it was flight from islamabad to Bahrain and then to Jeddah on 28th of August 2010

Thu, 30 Sep 2010  Ayesha Warsi

I support this complaint. and if u can entertain his complaint enterrtain my complaint atleast ...its been more than a month and we dint get our which we have atleast luggage of 50000 tell me wat to do ...... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee

it was flight from islamabad to Bahrain and then to Jeddah on 28th of August 2010

Mon, 03 Aug 2009  raja rd

the passenger lodged the complaint from day one and there was no action and now you are washing off your hands. its a classic case of airlines negligence. if this case happens in usa then you would have been sued. good luck gulf air, enjoy its as your subsidy for fuel.

Mon, 03 Aug 2009 - Business Reply from - D R MISTRY (Gulf Air)

Dear Sir,

Acknowledge your e-mail of July 23,2009 re complaint of pax Mr. Mirza

Kaleem Baig for lost baggage – Gulf air (ID-730).

Kindly note as the complaint in question is more then 10 years old, we are unable to entertain the same as it is time barred.

The above is for your information.


Thu, 23 Jul 2009  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Gulf Air on July 23, 2009, 3:16 pm