Gulf Air - I want to get back camera stolen camera from gulf air luggage bag
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Complaint by: george joseph on May 25, 2010, 11:44 pm in Airlines

Dear sir,
After completion of our pilgrimage tour to Holylands in Jordan, palastine, Israel and Egipt our group of 19 persons returned to Chennai by Gulf air flight 070y from Cairo and from Baharin by GF0068 y on 23.05.2010 . On reaching Chennai on 24.05.2010 early morning, to my horror, I found the lock of one of my luggage bag is broken and the camara ( canon power shot SX120 IS digital)is stolen from my luuggage bag. The lock of the bag was found broken using some hard tools.
While the gulf air is, to my opnion, is the best air line in the world for delivering servicses to millions of passengers, I wonder how such a thing can happened under their nose. I belive the incident happened in Chennai air port.How the baggage containg the camera was located so precisely from many other luggage bags , is a matter of serious concern, especialy for a reputed company like Gulf Air. Kindly do some thing about it.
Kindly investigate the matter and retrive me the camara or at least the memory card contaning Holy Lands pictures. While I am aware of the difficulty involved in identifying the real thief in your syetem, I hope in jesus Christ that God will touch the heart of the thiefand reform him. May Gods power prevail up on him and a change of mind may help him return at least the 8 GB memory card in the camera. So this is my request to my good holy thief. You may kindly pass this message down the line please for his benefit.
Yours faithfully.

Dear Mr. thief,
I was a sinner too. In order to have a complete change in my life, with fervent prayers, fasting and meditation, I and my wife visited the holylands along with a group of 17 persons. The photographs I have taken would have been instrumental and motivating factor for changing my life and life of many others in my Church and neighbour hood. You can take the camara if you must and so desired but plese please return the memory card in which you can find nothing else but the pictures of Holy Lands my saviour Jesus Christ lived and visited. The visit was my life\'s only dream and I may not get another chance to do it again. Hundreds of my dear and near ones are eagerly waiting to see the pictures. Kindly return the GB8 card. No more complaints will be registred or persued further in this regard. My address is given below.
God Bless You.
H 36 Railway Qrts.
Goldenrock, Trichy.620004.
Tamilnadu, INDIA.

Complainant's Goal: get back stolen camera
Complainant's Target: Gulf Air
Complaint Location: IndiaTrichy
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Sat, 29 May 2010  gjj

I support this complaint.

Wed, 26 May 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Gulf Air on May 26, 2010, 11:57 am