YAMAHA Motor - YAMAHA Motor - Bike service complaint against Perfect Riders,Bangalore 26/11/9
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Complaint by: Debashis on November 27, 2009, 3:47 am in Cars Parts and Vehicles

YAMAHA Motor - Bike service complaint against Perfect Riders, Bangalore 26/11/2009

Vehicle No- KA 01 EN 1231.
Owner Name- debashis Mondal.
Ph- 0********07 / ********75.

Service Center Details:-
Name - Perfect Riders.
Service Chalan No- 3684.
Invoice No -WS 2630.
1st Servising.

To The Authority,

This is a complaint against \"Yamaha Authorized Service Center\"
The purchase date of my Bike \"Yamaha Fazer\" was 24/10/2009.
I completed 1month time with 1000kms run & gave the bike to the service center for 1st servicing on 26/11/2009. In the evening, after submitting the bill amount, I found my bike was standing in side carelessly without any improvement not even cleaning was done. That was my first experience with \"Yamaha\" family. as a proof i got evidences on undone work written back side by the service people with signature and date. I need a strong answer from the \"Yamaha India\" company for that unsatisfactory work and I demand compensation for wasting my precious time & money. If i do not get proper response from the concern, I will be bound to knock The respectable Indian Constitution. The brief details of my bike & service issues are given below.

Vehicle No- KA 01 EN 1231.
Owner Name- debashis Mondal.
Ph- 0********07 / ********75.

Service Center Details:-
Name - Perfect Riders.
Service Chalan No- 3684.
Invoice No -WS 2630.
1st Servising.

Dealer\'s Address:-

#26, 1st \'A\' J.C Road Cross. Bangalore-560002.
Ph- 22228797.

Complainant's Goal: To improve service & compensation on customers loss.
Complainant's Target: YAMAHA Motor
Complaint Location: IndiaBagalore
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Recent Comments
Tue, 05 Nov 2013  manoj


on jan 2013 i took a new bike tats yamaha ss125.,
*1st month it was a good bike from second month one or the other problem.,
*when it was 4 or 5 months old some noice was coming in hidling state so they told its common on next service they told in engine some noice is there so we need to open the engine and make it proper k i agreed
*now if i am driving in 40 or 60 the bike automatically stops and runs in a fraction second they told air fillter to be replaced i agreed.,
* but now after servicing the some noise from handle or shockupser.,

I am not satisfied with the bike or service from the mechanic., if so the bike is a problem exchange the bike and get a new one stil how much should i pay for the bike maintaince.,

Tue, 09 Apr 2013  Akhil

I bought yamaha FZ-S bike before 6 month, I completed 2 free servces, Now i given for 3rd free services but they are asking me to PAY 700 Rupees, This is un belivable, They are asking too much money while free service especially PERFECT RIDER.

Sat, 21 Jan 2012  Rambir Kumar

My bike no is HR76 1511.My bike engine no is different with RC .pl solution my engine no problem.

Wed, 13 Apr 2011  Puneet

oswal yamaha(gujrawala town, delhi) is a place full of bloody motherfuckers.

Fri, 18 Mar 2011  akash

i tottaly agree with u yamaha not providing proper services to its customers even m also facing the problem,
i m leaving in delhi n i have yamaha szxengine no- me154b019a2006684 and i purchased it from shiva motors the yamaha dealer
And at the time of buying everybody i.e yamaha customer care center and all dealers told me that szx definately gives u the mileage 50+ but i m geeting the only mileage of 38-41 n when i registerd the complaint than they says it will give u the mileage between 40-45 wtf is this. more than 10 times i visit the service station but still they have no solution for this. and m still facing the low mileage problem.

Mon, 06 Dec 2010  alex

having problem with the rear mono shock a tak tak sound from it my bike is new just 12 days , this problem was there when i brought it but i thought it is from the tool kit but this days the sound became worst so i removed the tool kit and realiced its from the shock and i went to yamaha svc they said want to replace the mono shock it will take 15 days but not sure !, i read some r15 owner with the same problem they also replaced the shock and the links but they saying the sound is still there ... everyone can check it .. just search 'yamaha r15 mono shock noice problem' in google

Wed, 28 Apr 2010  Vimal

I support this complaint. My friend too had a bad experience with yamaha bike. I feel yamaha bikes are having very low quality than other bikes in India. Their service also is too bad.

Mon, 26 Apr 2010  Asif

I support this complaint.

Fri, 27 Nov 2009  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to YAMAHA Motor on November 27, 2009, 3:47 am