Sun Direct - Worst Service from Sun Direct
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Complaint by: arkay on October 27, 2010, 12:12 pm in Satellite and Cable TV

I am writing this with extreme frustration of chasing the Sun direct folks for past 3 months.
Increase problems with my subscription are just aggravating my anger and frustration but I see no solution to it.

1. I am not getting the channels/packages I have paid for. But still the amount is getting deducted every month.
2. Even the channels in basic package are NOT coming now (such as Maa TV, NDTV24x7)
3. I am getting this message to upgrade the equipment, but no contact details to request for upgrade. I called the customer care more than 10 times. But they have no clue of whom to contact. They gave a few numbers but they don't service in our area.
4. My set-top-box also has a problem for which I have been chasing the customer care and gave up. --
(a) the box always resets to channel 001
(b) the box does not respond to remote when the magic ticker is ON
5. Worst part of Sun Direct is the customer care - I have not seen any lousy service than this. Even the govt organisations that I am dealing with have better ways to escalate the issues. Here is the scenario I faced/still facing:
* I got the issue(4.) above about 4-5months back
* I called the customer care guys. They said they will have that resolved soon
* nothing happened for a week
* I called up again and this time they had me explain the problem all the new
* I asked for complaint number. They said the server/system is down and they can't give any complaint number
* I repeated the calls to every day/alternative day
* They started bluntly saying that the system is down and they are of no help
* When I ask them to connect me to their superior, they put me on hold and thats it. No connection even after 10-15 mins of waiting
* During the call also, they hand over the call to someone else who asks the question "what problem" I had to explain all of it from beginning.

Customer Id: CR-3744931
Customer Since: 15-05-2009
Smartcard Number: 411********
Settop Box Number: F0********90

Complainant's Goal: I want refund
Complainant's Target: Sun Direct
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Thu, 13 Jan 2011  R P S PARIHAR

Dear Sir,
I have purchased Your SUN DIRECT TV connection from Soni Communication ( 14 ,Baraf Khana ,Gurudwara Road GURGAON ,HARYANA Ph no 0124-6464044 ) on dated 01.02.09. My Smart card Sr. no 41055978989 and Set Top Box Sr. no H0********36 .From 25 .12.10 I am not able to see any channel and screen show E 22- 37 unknown signal message.I have complained to your customer care and complained detail as follows-

1. Complain no.1-14******** on dated 26.12.10
2. Complain no.1-1501331041 on dated 30.12.10
3 Complain no.1-15******** on dated 10.01.11

But till date no action taken from your side ( As per your customer care depptt. with in 24 hours problem will solved ).So please take needful and strict action regarding this matter on urgent basis.I have very bad experience regarding your customer care service depptt..
I already contact to Mr. Girish Vergis ( Noida branch )but no response from his side.
R P S Parihar
Mobile no 0********93

Thu, 13 Jan 2011  R P S PARIHAR

Dear Sir,
I have purchased Your SUN DIRECT TV connection from Soni Communication ( 14 ,Baraf Khana ,Gurudwara Road GURGAON ,HARYANA Ph no 0124-6464044 ) on dated 01.02.09. My Smart card Sr. no 41055978989 and Set Top Box Sr. no H0********36 .From 25 .12.10 I am not able to see any channel and screen show E 22- 37 unknown signal message.I have complained to your customer care and complained detail as follows-

1. Complain no.1-14******** on dated 26.12.10
2. Complain no.1-1501331041 on dated 30.12.10
3 Complain no.1-15******** on dated 10.01.11

But till date no action taken from your side ( As per your customer care depptt. with in 24 hours problem will solved ).So please take needful and strict action regarding this matter on urgent basis.I have very bad experience regarding your customer care service depptt..

R P S Parihar
Mobile no 0********93

Mon, 10 Jan 2011   Message By Complainant RadhaKumar

Well, there is no limit to the surprises that Sun Direct guys can give.
I understand the reason why there was no response when I called up the folks or gave endless mails requesting them to correct the problems I had been facing for more than 3 months.

I got a call y'day asking if I have all the channels coming on my box. They offered to come and tune the dish but THEY HAVE TO CHARGE ME 100/- FOR THE SERVICE.
When I asked why charge me it was supposed to be free of cost as advertised by Sun Direct. They say that service was free till so-and-so date and now they are charging...

Ah... I got the point.

But if they had decently begged for that 100 rupees 3 months back I would have happily given that and would have had an uninterrupted service which is definitely
more than 100/-

well. I am still waiting for this morons at to respond...

Tue, 07 Dec 2010  Alagaraja

I support this complaint. I have few of the above problems mentioned. Yet to get the benefit of payment made.

Wed, 27 Oct 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Sun Direct on October 27, 2010, 12:12 pm