Indian railways - Regarding the usage of berths in day time
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Complaint by: Mahendran on November 9, 2010, 11:45 pm in Indian Railways


I was travelling from Coimbatore to Trichy with my wife and kid of age 1 year(Mangalore express-6108) on 8th November 2010. Seat no 15 and 22 in S8 were alloted for us. 15 is lower berth(side) and 22 is upper berth. Since my kid feels sleepy I asked the lady who was sitting in the seat no 16 to go up, but that lady and her relative started to make conversation. And afterwards TTR told that there is a rule that the berth should be used from 9 PM onwards only.

If this is the rule in Indian Railways, then why you should mention SLEEPER CLASS, and SECOND SITTING CLASS. What is the difference between this?
And, also we are paying high to relax and travel, if it is not then why are you getting high pay?

My question is,

1) if a passenger starts from Mangalore by 11 AM and he/she is travelling, is that so he/she should not use the berth for sleep till 9 PM?

2) Why you are booking sleeper class in the day time train?

3) Example, Guruvayur express comes to Trichy at 2 PM and reaches Chennai by 9.30 PM, if a passenger must follow your rule, then does he/she should sleep only half an hour??

4) We can see, loaded advertisement boards in front and around why don't you STICK THE BILLS for such a hard rule?

5) We can hear in the station Happy journey, when a passenger travels after 6 AM and before 9 PM, it won't be a Happy journey for him, it will a Horrible journey.

If the rule can't be changed, kindly stick the bills in the compartment, so that the passenger will not argue each other.

Complainant's Goal: Sleeper class should be used at anytime
Complainant's Target: Indian railways
Complaint Location: IndiaTrichy
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Recent Comments
Sun, 12 Aug 2018  Mehul B Patel

Dear Sir, I have booked a ticket from Kalyan to Vadodara in AC Coach and alloted me lower side berth. In same compatment having with me and force to sit on my seat. Otherside ,i was very tired and request him to take his sider upper seat as i want to sleep on that day but he did agree with me and take seat aong with me. Can you explain,if your rule is bounded me so why you did not give me seating ticket instead of high paying sleeper ticket. Hope i will get positive result from your side.

Fri, 11 May 2018  MANASA BEHERA

I was travelling from vijaywada to visakhapatnam ,s12,42.middle berth.I found that a lady was sleeping in lower berth,and she had lifted the middle birth.I dont wanted to sleep as it was scorching summer.I
requested his husband ,but he argued with me and said yout seat is middle berth ,i thought that lady was sick but the reason was different,I warned them i will complain to TTE,But there was no address of the TTE .HOW THESE PROBLEMS WILL. BE SOLVED?


Wed, 09 May 2018  adil

I have booked ticket in train 12141, 2 AC i got side lower seat, railway says sleeping time 10pm to 6 am, in day time upper berth people seating on lower birth then where I ll go for sleep in day time after paying 3100 rupees.

Can railway give the answer while upper berth people not giving his seat to sleep in day time

Which kind of rule is this???

Mon, 23 Apr 2018  Megha sharma

Me n my sister is travelling from Ratlam to sgz in Dehradun express.
My berth is middle(2) n my sister's berth is upper (6).

Both seats are in opposite.

My Gujarati family comes n there seat is both lower (1& 4)

They force to down the seat as they want to sleep but as per the Indian railway the sleeping time is 22:00 to 6:00.

They didn't listen and trouble us.

Want TC help but didn't found the TC.

Sun, 01 Apr 2018  meka ram godara bishnoi

PNR NO 2244293809 reserved a sleeping berth no 72 in sleeper class of trn no 22422 salasar exp on 01 Apr 2018. at 1110hrs i board in trn but on the seat no 71 lower berth a passenger already sleeping. i shifted my luggage under the seat and tried to sit on lower seat. sleeping passenger on the seat used derogatry manner and not allowed to sit. however i told him to be callm and said abt ruling of seating in day time. however he not agreed but
i manged to sat a lttle time at lit side of corner. the matter brought to the TTE but he said that passenger having uper berth reserve will sit in upper berth during day time also. he support to that passenger also. whole the day time i hanged in uper berth and mentally harrassed. in view of the above kinly provide latest policy for the same for resolution of my grievences. this is laking of service after paying. pl help me.

Sat, 31 Mar 2018  Mariyamma Chacko

Dear Madam/Sir,

My name is Mariyamma Chacko, I have reserved the tickets to Mysore in Solapur express train on 31 Marc h 2018. In my reserved seats Many unreserved people are sitting. We have to fight with them to get our seats. Please make that reserved compartment should be only for reserved people. Unreserved should not be get in.

Fri, 30 Mar 2018  SK nazeer

Then why your collecting the bearth fare one who raised that question is absolutely right change the rule otherwise change the booking rules

Mon, 15 Jan 2018  Pavitra

Hello sir/mam,
I am travelling from raipur to mumbai and having a lower berth...i boarded the train at 11 am and sat for around 3 hours even though i am having a headache...but there is a guy who was sleeping at upper birth for those 3 hour...when i started to lay down at my birth he came down and arguing that he wants to sit and i can’t sleep during daytime...also i asked him that allow me to sleep in upper birth but he refused...what kind of rule is this??
Upper birth people can sleep anytime they want and sit at lower at day time...this is totally biased...just change this rule...or else everyone has to suffer..

Mon, 27 Nov 2017  Tanmisha

If Any one Boarded the train @4:00 am in the sleeper, then what is the use of booking a ticket in sleeper,Are you really Giving the justice for what he/she paid?

Wed, 08 Nov 2017  Jitendra Pandey

My complaint is no birth sleeping instruction stick showing in train coach while passenger has to confirm the reservation with birth but issue at the time of sleeping mode by passenger any time . My suggestion is cleared all the instruction of passenger

Sat, 04 Nov 2017  Sudhakar

Sir I reserved four tickets from vijayawada to hyderabad. All were given in the same compartment. It's around 12:30 pm and a guy has kept his middle birth intact and sitting on it. When I asked him to come down, he refused and causing us a lot of trouble throughout the journey. We had to sit bending our heads. Want to lodge complaint.

Fri, 20 Oct 2017  T ANTO PUNITHA

I am trsvelling in train .o 16316 pnr no.PNR:4********9,TRAIN:16317,DOJ:20-10-17,SL,NCJ-CBE,Dep:14:35,
Fare:255,SC:0.0+PG+INS. I was tired and sleeping in my berth . Suddenly two police cops with hand cuffed accuses wakèd me nd dragged the middle berth on me and asked me tosit. Now the train reaches Coimbatore at 1.00 am
If railway says that sleping from 10 pm to 6 am.8 hours , if i sleep at 10 pm and get up at 1 am is it possible form me as heart and sugar patient at the age of 59. Pls. Help and advice. No civic sense from the cops. They donot have any reservation nd travelling with warrent. This absolutely nuisrnse to pasdrnger travelling long distance.

Sat, 07 Oct 2017  Narendra

Sleeper class should be used at anytime. People like who are doing nightshifts and travelling in daytime must sleep daytime only. There is no option. In this case I totally disagree with this rule. And I suggest to consider this point. So that people can have peaceful and happy journey.

Thu, 28 Sep 2017  SHAHABUDDIN

In sleeper class, for long travel. People are sleeping upto morning 10:00 am. And again after lunch, they are sleep from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. But if this rule is follow strictly for sleeping from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am. Then I think Railway has to remove middle birth in sleeper class. And local journey people also travel and sit in sleeper class. Which TTE supported.

Thu, 28 Sep 2017  Nitin yadav

If I can't use sleeper class in day ......then why I pay for it before 3 months

Sun, 24 Sep 2017  ANANTHARAM

Please mention timing of usages at berth and collect normal ticket price for lower berth and middle for day time

Fri, 22 Sep 2017  Uday

Same situation I have faced in train. My wife is pregnant and I have one and half year kid. I have 2 tickets. One is lower birth. my wife and my baby wants to take rest and sleep in a day time. My co passenger not adjusting the seat and they don't want to leave my seat. We have to complaint on government railway system regarding this.
Why government charging higher rates for sleeper class. Y don't they charge second sitting rates on sleeper in day time