IRCTC Indian Railways - Indian Railway Complaint- Refund Money Rs. 4807.00 not recieved after 8 months
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Complaint by: chandan on June 5, 2009, 4:22 pm in Indian Railways

Respected Sir
I had book the following e ticket whose details are mention below,
PNR Number ********09 Booked On 14-9-2008
Transaction ID 00******** Ticket Type eticket
Class 3A
Date Of Journey 13/10/2008 Ticket Charge Rs 4767.00
Bank hdfcpg Total Rs 4807.00
Train No 2311 Railway Zone NR
From Station HOWRAH JN(HWH) IRCTC Zone CCM/Refund, Northern Railway New Delhi
To Station DELHI(DLI) Quota General
Ticket Details
S# Name Age Sex Coach Seat Res-Status
1 DUDH KUMAR GHOSH 46 Male 0000 Booked
2 CHANDRA GHOSH 39 Female 0000 Booked
3 PRIYANKA GHOSH 17 Female 0000 Booked
4 PRIYA GHOSH 11 Female 0000 Booked
5 POOJA GHOSH 11 Female 0000 Booked

above passengers got only 2 reserved seat so all the passenger could not travelled however I filled the TDR Ref. No ekt200********9245 as on 16th oct 2008 but till 5th June 2009, I could not get the refund .Please find the below mails.

Please help me to get my money back.


chandan roy
Mob ; ********24
Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: \"chandan roy\"
Subject: not receipt the refund]]
Sir/ Madam
I did not get the refund of Tdr Filled in the month of Oct 2008 till 6th May 09 . Can you tell me how much time it will take to get the refund?
Thanking You
chandan roy

Dear customer,

Sorry for the inconvenience. Kindly note that your refund case of PNR No. ********09 has been forwarded to CCM/Northern Railway on dt. 20.10.08. Refund yet not received from concerned railway, so we are sending a reminder with all the papers pertaining to your refund case to concerned railway on dt. 01.04.09 to chase up the cases. As soon as refund, if any, received it will be credited to your card account..


Ved Prakash
Ph: 011- 23345900

Dear Team,

please see the matter.

PRN No ********09

Thanks & Regards,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: not receipt the refund
Date: 7 Mar 2009 11:00:09 -0000
From: chandan roy
Reply-To: chandan roy
To: care , tdrprocess , chandan_roy_2006

respected sir / madam
I had filed tdr for PRN No ********09 on 16/10/2008 whose ref No. is ekt200********9245 but yet could not get back the refund.I had also mail you in the month of Jan for that reason . please take some step so that i get the refund for that ticket.
Thanking you
chandan roy



Respected Sir
I had filed a TDR which prn ********09 in the month of October dt. 16/10/2008 which Ref. number was EKT200********9245 but till january 9th I could not get the refund .So I request you Please take necessary step so that I get the refund early.
Thanking you
chandan roy.

Complainant's Goal: To get the refund
Complainant's Target: IRCTC Indian Railways
Complaint Location: Indiadelhi
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Sun, 07 Jun 2009  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to IRCTC Indian Railways on June 7, 2009, 4:32 pm