Sun direct DTH - Providing No service
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Complaint by: Sudheer on June 23, 2011, 7:24 pm in Satellite and Cable TV
Dear sir/ madam.
I am the constumer of the above mentioned DTH service provider. I am facing the problem of not recieving the service i.e. error signals in my TV from the past 7 days and am being informing them the same from the day itself but still no action is been taken against my complain. they just give a commitment of 48 hrs bt still today till date i have not recieved any response from their side.
I request you to kindly interfere in the matter and do the needful.
Thanking you,
yurs faithfully
with regards,
Smart card no: 41144421108
Complainant's Goal: To get the service or jst asking the ser. provider 2 take awy the stuff n pay me
Complainant's Target: Sun direct DTH
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