ngpay - NGPAY not refunding for unsuccesful transaction
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Complaint by: sandeep on February 6, 2011, 6:55 pm in Others

I have made complaint regarding refunding of sum of Rs. 2x710.56=1421.12 debited from my bank (Inidan Overseas Bank ) account for failed transaction. my complaint No. 517085 dated: 7/12/2010 have been pending with NGPAYsince then. No action is taken so far after conntacting several times with the NGPAY.

NGPAY transaction ids are as follows dated: 5/09/2010

NGPay -VID118453O100905-05********1"
NGPay -VID119858O100905-05********1"

i request you to look into the matter.

thanking you,

sandeep kumar

Complainant's Goal: refund a sum of Rs. 1421.12 towards failed transaction
Complainant's Target: ngpay
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Fri, 11 Feb 2011   Message By Complainant sandeep

i am to remind you that the refunded money were taken back again on 15/09/2010 with tha same transaction ids which i mentioned in the complaint.

i have already communicated the bank statement to the NGPAY in this regard.

you can find my clain in the bank statement whick i sent to you before.

please look into the matter and refund my amount before i take any legal action with compensation

Fri, 11 Feb 2011  ngpay

Hello Sandeep,

Thank you for using ngpay and our apologies for this confusion.

We had already initiated your refund within the stipulated dates. The ARN numbers obtained for the refund are:

Txn id: NGPAY1057090553
ARN no: ********24********44127

Txn id: NGPAY1057091669
ARN no: ********24********44184

The above two transactions were refunded on 6th Sept 2010 itself.

Please check the ARN numbers with your bank again.

Kind regards,

Sun, 06 Feb 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to ngpay on February 6, 2011, 6:55 pm