On 16 night 21:00 hrs I called the customer service and explained about the error caused in OLA APPS and GPS wrongly detected my current location and booked a cab from Bangalore location.
On explaining the whole scenario, the Service Associate spoke to next level and came back saying Groupon offer is applied for this booking manually and this is applicable for booking CRN10061456.
Today Akbar informed me that the offer is not applicable.
Please look into this issue and do the needful.
You can reach me on ********62
Dear Customar,
We are really apologetic for the experience you had. We would need your Order ID and contact details at Social@Groupon.co.in to help you. Kindly provide us the same, so that we can escalate the issue.
Dear Customer,
Due to insufficient details, we are closing this complaint. To reopen the ticket, please write to us at social@groupon.co.in