I have purchased a Blackbery 8520 Mobile (IMEI-351********7640) on 18.7.10 from M/s Raviraj Collections,7,Dhole Patil Rd.Pune-1. Within a span of 4-5 months, the track pad started giving trouble owing to which I could not send or retrieve mails. I accordingly handed over the set to your Pune office vide DC No.PUN/SB/11/00009 dt.4.6.2011 for repairs. However, I regret to inform you that your service engineers have not been able to repair the same till date. You are requested to direct your Pune office to provide me a new mobile phone as replacement without any further delay, else I shall be constrained to take up this issue with the Consumer Forum and if need be with the press.
I am a Senior Engineer with M/s Lloyds Asia Ltd., and I am required to fly out of India at short notices. I cannot bear any more delay. Hence, an immediate action is requested. Kindly confirm my return mail.
An email communication has been sent to Redington India Limited on April 8, 2011, 8:59 pm