Manas Hosting - Highly dissatisfied with the services from Manashosting web hosting company
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Complaint by: kaxymax on July 14, 2013, 2:30 pm in Hosting and Web Design
I have some websites hosted through Manashosting. To take the services from Manashosting is one of my biggest mistake. Most of the times my websites are down. Whenever I raise a ticket for the issue, they close the ticket without solving the issue. And issue is kept open for many days. Once my 5 websites were down for more than 15 days in a go.
Once you will take a service from Manashosting, they will keep on calling for more sales related things but they do not work on the tickets raised.
Due to this I am loosing my clients. I recommend everyone not to take the service of Manashosting.
Complainant's Goal: To get the proper resolution of issues at proper time.
Complainant's Target: Manas Hosting
I'm going to break it down - The price is as low as you're gona get, the features are above the standard for shared hosts, support is surprisingly helpful and actually polite AND uptime is at least 99%. They now offer unlimited MySQL databases, Cloud hosting and they use cPanel! I don't know what's's a YES for me!