ERA Landmarks India Ltd - Era Redwood residency fbd, join the group blog
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Complaint by: aashkaul on May 18, 2010, 12:34 pm in Real Estate

Its been four years since we booked apartments in the project, Redwood Residency sector-78, faridabad. since its pre-launch there have been problems in the way ERa landmarks has handled this project. please remember this was a sold out project so there was no problem of funds getting generated for Era. It\'s original site where construction was to happen was sector-88, from there they shifted the project to sector-76 and later to sector-78. With nobody\'s consent. Era pressumed that since it had delayed the launch of this project for so long people would finally accept what they(era) will deliver, unfortunately thats how it happened aswell.

Then started the construction, excavation happened almost within a fortnite and work on foundation started in earnest.....and then it came to a grinding halt....and remained like that for more then ten months....why Because the Developer did not have the BUILDING PLAN APPROVAL from concerned authorities. That means that the payment plan that was drafted was to take money on excavation and foundation was deliberately done as Era knew what rocedure they are going to follow, and how they can amass more money out of the ignorant and trusting customers. after they got the requisite approval, they started work again.

Only this time it came to a halt when they had constructed slabs till 3rd or 2nd fllor of some of the towers, no work was initiated on tower E & F, as there was the road issue, that means these two towers were still in the pits.

The excuse for halting work that was given was... that the contractor was not performing to Era's satisfaction, don't know what due delligence was put in the process of awarding the contract to the contractor in the first place....that was the job of Era to award the work to a reliable contractor, seems in the hurry to start work they brought in anyone and did not give much thought to the relevant experience of the contractor. Besides don't know what supervision was being kept on the contractor by Era that it took them four long months to find out that the contractor's work was not satisfactory.
During this time we came across the farmer who owns the land , that is shown in the allotment brochure as central park, on quizzing him how he was still allowed to cultivate on our projects land, he told us that it belonged to him and that he was never interested in selling it to ERa or anyone else. This news shattered whatever dream there was to get a house with decent amenities. We went to Era and started enquiring about this new folly in the project. in the beginning the manegement told us that this farmer is talking as they have the clear title on the said land. on asking to provide evidence for the same, the started changing their stance, cannot remember how many stories they propagated at that time on this land issue, finally one of thier managers, gave me a written reply to me, saying this land is not with them as this doesnot fall in the perview of the project. aghast, I went again to Era landmarks office in noida and spoke with the then VP, he assured me verbally that this was not the case and the manger concerned did not have proper knowledge and has made a wrong statement. He assured me that Era will aquire this land and it is integral part of the project. since then Era has been misleading one and all on this subject. almost four years after selling this project they have niether completed 50 percent of the work nor aquired the land around which the whole project is conceptualized.

To make things worse Era landmarks manegement has decided to take a tough and aggressive stand on anyone who questions thier lack of action on all the above grounds. They are not commiting any date for possession nor are they comming clean on the status of the central park. what they have done with the park at divine court (faridabad sector-76) has already set a wrong/bad precedent. it clearly shows that ERa is not interested in delivering what it has promised.

Our only hope in getting our rightful due from ERa, lies in a collective action of all customers of this project. so pls join and start raising concern now, we are also on the Era blog,
also the group is on yahoo groups india.
pls join and strengthen our collective cause. thanks.

Complainant's Goal: public awareness
Complainant's Target: ERA Landmarks India Ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaFaridabad
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Recent Comments
Wed, 14 May 2014  Devinder

Era landmarks limited , god save the innocent people from these type of companies , who devise legal and illegal ways and means to cheat and dupe their customers of their hard earned money.

Fri, 04 Feb 2011  abdul

I support this complaint.

Wed, 02 Feb 2011  maina

Wed, 02 Feb 2011  maina

want to sell my flat immediately @ 1100/sqft plus additional charges viz parking, plc, etc as per era.

Mon, 20 Sep 2010   Message By Complainant ashish kaul

Hello Nitin , Dheeraj, Jadab and others...pls join us in our endevour...its time...mail me your numbers so that we can touch base and understand that what are the issues that have risen mail id is or you can join the group i have already posted the link of it on the page on this forum.

Sun, 19 Sep 2010  Nitin Bansal

I would like to sell my flat at tower B @ 1100/- per sqft. interested parties please contact through this foram.

Thu, 16 Sep 2010  DHEERAJ

I support this complaint. We should file a case againt them. lets come togather n su them.

Thu, 09 Sep 2010  Jadab Das

I support this complaint. The flats are available for Rs. 1100/sqft at resale. A case is supposed to be filed

Fri, 16 Jul 2010  Sumit

I support this complaint. Also is it possible to talk to any of the bank who are / has offered loans for flats. I mean they might have all the original layout, plans, permissions etc before they tie up with ERA, so that they can give further loans.

Any ideas?

Sat, 10 Jul 2010  taj

I support this complaint.

Fri, 09 Jul 2010  Rohit Arora

I support this complaint.

Thu, 24 Jun 2010  Ajay

I support this complaint.
I have visited the site last week, and have found out following -

1. Land that Era claims that they have acquired for proposed Central Park is still not owned by ERA. It is owned by Farmer, and is not willing to sell it.
2. Club house is moved to some other location from its prior location, which was mentioned in their earlier plan and is included in the Agreement. Now club house is planned to be built behind Tower D, but there is no enough space to accomodate the size of club house which was committed to us
3. Construction of Tower I has started in place of Club House. There was no such communication from ERA to all members.
4. As per HUDA plan, there is a planned 24Mtr wide road which will pass through the Redwood Residency plot, in front of E,F,G,H and also in from of Tower I, which will divide the plot into 3 parts,and there is no proper plan for Boundary, entrance gate and security from ERA.

Since there is no proper central park and club house (which was confirmed in the agreement we signed), why should we pay the park facing PLC and club charges.

I proposes that We should ask for explaination for all these points from ERA in writting, and ask for compensation. Also, ERA should share the copy of the most recent approved project plan from HUDA.

Wed, 16 Jun 2010  Manav

I support this complaint. Era is ignoring its customers and is non-transparent in its dealings.

Mon, 24 May 2010  Rakesh goel

I support this complaint.

Tue, 18 May 2010  anil gupta

I support this complaint. This is exactly how it happened, and when I called Era's office yesterday, they told me that they have the possession of the land now. But they can not share any documents regarding this as it s against company policy. How can you believe them, when they can not even share such vital info.
why don't we all go to thier office and force them to show proofs.

Tue, 18 May 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to ERA Landmarks India Ltd on May 18, 2010, 12:34 pm