ERA Landmarks India Ltd - ERA LANDMARKS India ltd group of customers - residential projects in NCR
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Complaint by: aashkaul on June 25, 2010, 1:17 pm in Real Estate

This is to caution all on the unethical and unproffesional practises of Era Landmarks and how its damaging the future of more then 2000 families. They have sold (read pre-sold, which is illegal under todays laws) about four projects in which they still have to get building plan approvals(that is after selling them four to three yrs back) , in one called the DIVINE COURT, it has collected 25% money and issued next installment of 10% without even obtaining the licence in its own name forget the building plan approvals and other sanctions.
In Palwal, they had presold a township of 71 acres where they were suppose to bring plots and the date of posession was told to be within two years of booking, still today after three years Era has not been able to get neccessary sanctions from the regulatory bodies, while it has collected 35% money from all customers and issued demands for the next installment.
Someting similar they did with REDWOOD RESIDENCY, they booked flats in 2006 and then allotted the same in 2007 without getting any sanctions from HUDA. They kept collecting money from customers in the pretext of construction work that was going on the site. that was about 45% money was collected this way Illegally before they actually got the sanctions. No one knows how and on what they have got there sanctions now, on the plan that they showed us and sold us with or some new plans, as today the structures that are coming up in a manner that was never the way it was shown to us at the time of booking. The whole green area around which the complex was conceptualized has been swept under the Companies closet. They verbally keep on telling newer and blatant stories to cover up the fraud, but are not willing to give any assurance in writting( on the issue of the central park). The club that they had shown in their plan has also magically disappeared as a new tower has got started constructed on that land. In the last four years the company has not been able to construct even half of the project and claims that it will complete the project in six months time, when asked to give in writting again they run under the umblical chord of MAMA Era Infra\'s company policy tactics.
Verbally they had assured the group of customers of divine court that ( this group found out that Era didn\'t have the sanctions, from the RTI they had filled) till the time they do not get the necessary sanctions they will not ask for the next installment, but now have gone back on thier words and started sending them the next installment of 10% without recieving any sanctions.
It is for all to know and get aware of the drawbacks of purchasing their dream homes with unscrupulous developers Like ERA LANDMARKS.
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Complainant's Goal: to make people aware of the fraud
Complainant's Target: ERA Landmarks India Ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaFaridabad
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Recent Comments
Mon, 16 Jun 2014  Akhil Kalra

I have booked a flat in sector 103 Gurgaon in ERA landmark limited more than 2 years ago. They have cheated by collecting money of Rs 11 lac and not allotted flat till now . every time i call them they ask me to call after 2 months. I want to go for economic offence wing for complaint.i am interested to form group for making collective complaint.My cell no is ********38.

Sun, 02 Mar 2014  suresh chand

I have booked a flat in sector 103 Gurgaon in ERA landmark limited.They have cheated by collecting money of Rs 12 lac and not allotted flat till now even after passing more than 2 years and nor responding.I want to go for economic offence wing for complaint.i am interested to form group for making collective complaint.My cell no is ********73.

Fri, 25 Jun 2010  ravi singh

The other reason why this is happening is that we are slow in taking action against the corrupt practises of these developers. if we keep giving them leeway then naturally they will force you to agree on illegal and unjustified parameters.
such builders are murderinng our families future and we somehow pretend to be so weak and again and again want to negotiate with them, this makes them understand that you are incapable of any action and they can mould your grievance and opinion to their advantage.
so for god sake and your families sake enough of talking with Era lets unite to show some action now.
I have decided if the group will not go to court then i will. can not wait for someone to give you justice on a platter, you will have to fight tooth and claw, to get your rights established.

Fri, 25 Jun 2010  anil gupta

Its sad but true, all around the NCR such builders have been duping people of crores of rupees and the judiciary or the law enforcement agaencies are not doing anything. pls don't take me wrong, but what can you individually achieve, writting these things generally does not guarantee you any reliefe. I would advise either you take the legal recourse or sell and book loss. The gentle who has earlier commented has mad ethe right decision and is happy now. first thing is never buy with lesser known builders , they have no reputation, they are simply cheaters. As you have now found out after loosing money. My suggestion will be to sell or else go to consumer court without delay. thanks.

Fri, 25 Jun 2010  sharad Gupta

I Had purchased with the same builder and when I understood that he is cheating us I sold my appartment at a discount of two lakhs, That was almost a year back, and I know still there is no significant improvement in what Era has done in its project. I will advise all to book their loss and shift to a cleaner name in the construction business, not only will you get good quality construction and all amenities, above all you will get peace of mind. In my case I have earned tripple of what I had lost in just a year, and considering that the market has still to improve its a decent profit. sticking with Era will only deepen your loss.

Fri, 25 Jun 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to ERA Landmarks India Ltd on June 25, 2010, 1:17 pm