ERA Landmarks India Ltd - Cheating by Era Landmarks : Attention New Buyers
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Complaint by: Puh on March 8, 2010, 11:40 am in Real Estate

Cheating by Era Group : Attention New Buyers

Dear Sir,

I with many other people booked flats (flat no. was also allotted) in a Project called Era Divine Court at Sector -76, Faridabad, Haryana. The project was launched by a company Era Landmarks Ltd. ( Era Infrastructure Ltd.). The project was a pre-launch and layout plan/map was not approved but license was obtained by them. Map approval is still awaited after expiry of eights months. There was provision of 820 flats in the said plot. We bought flats keeping in view the area /layout shown in their brochure which has some green area/open area also. Their project was almost sold out. Now after so many days we have come know that they constructing 44 more flats in the green area/ open area, without increasing the total area of the plot, thus decreasing the open area (the same has been confirmed by the company). We are also told by the company that they are constructing one creche (child nursery) and a religious building at the other proposed green site leaving no green area to 180 yard flats. For such a big community only one open area would be there, in front of 250 yard flats that too, with water tanks.

We have bought flats keeping in view the green area/open area and as they are constructing flats in these areas, we feel cheated and violated. At the same time, we feel that this would make society more congested and shabby as they are giving no area for recreational activity.

On inquiry they are saying they well within their rights to construct those flats as they do not have charged any PLC for green area/open area and these are only minor changes and as per agreement (which was signed between us in Sept. 2009), this can be done.

But we can not buy this argument, as construction of 44 flats and encroachment on other areas for constructing other things are not a minor change and we feel cheated coz they first sold us flats showing green/open area and now they are constructing flats and other buildings on them.

By selling new flats, which are supposed to come in the green area, new buyers money can be at risk. They are cheating new buyers also and making false promises. Their website is also giving wrong information about this. We are tying to deal with them, failing to that we would approach consumer court. This is giving company a very bad name which has good reputation.

This is for your information and suggestion please.

Complainant's Goal: Make aware people
Complainant's Target: ERA Landmarks India Ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaFaridabad
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Recent Comments
Mon, 20 Jun 2011  jairam ramesh

i agree with everything mentioned by the investors.Its 2000 percent true.The staff of era is pathetic and unrelenting.donot expect any empathy or help from them.Its the director or the management which needs to be caught by their neck and paraded naked to get an appropriate answer.The poeple working at lower position can hardly do anything.its not their fault.Its high time the haryana government should put heavy penalty on such errant company and should also cancel their licenses.
The management of era has been amazingly notorious with their approach and have gotten away from the actual investors.Please catch them by their neck.Once threatened properly only then their policy and approach is going to change.There is no other way to deal with these poeple who head such compaies and make rubbish policies affecting the masses.
Guys i say lets go and see the bosses rather than wasting time and calling have to be diplomatic to catch their necks.

Tue, 27 Jul 2010  Dharamvir Sharma

I support this complaint.

Tue, 27 Apr 2010  Vivek

I support this complaint.

Another post Regarding the Era Landmarks Ltd.

Disturbing Facts : Era Landmarks Ltd.
Dear Friends, there are some facts about the company Era Landmarks company which have been come to light recently and everybody should know.

We have been shared with many unpleasant experiences of investors of one other project of Era Landmarks Ltd. called Redwood Residency, which is in Sector 78 of Faridabad (details mentioned below). They have requested us for help by informing them about other persons who have bought flats in Redwood Residency or know somebody who is related with this project. If any of us know anyone who have bought flats in Era Redwood Residency, or connected with that project, please let us know, we will inform them.

Our problems are somewhat similar to them or one can say that it is perennial habits of Era Landmarks Ltd. to create problems for its investors. In both of us cases, i.e. Era in Redwood Residency and Era Divine Court there is problem of park, in first case there is no park at all and in later, they have plan to build flats on parks.

Era Landmarks launched Era Redwood Residency project almost four years back and after lapse of so many years the project is not complete even by 50%. This project was also a pre-launch and they sold flats on a plan that was only on paper. No land was also purchased for the project also. Era Landmarks initially told investors that they construct flats in sec. 82 of Faridabad or around there. Later they shifted the Project to Sector 76, Faridabad and from there some other place. At last they got a land in Sector 78 Faridabad and started the project after two years from its initial launch keeping investors money so long and enjoying the interest of that money. They do not had the layout plan approval (like us) still they started the construction. But as the project was not sanctioned/approved construction stopped many-a-times during this period. Last year it got approval and banks started financing the project. But they were only taking money from the banks and not constructing the flats as per construction linked plans or as required. So banks stopped paying them resulting in more delay. They were very inconsistent towards to speed of the project and never bothered about the worries of the investors. This might be because this project was not a success like ours.

Other than this there were many problems with this project, but investors highlighted one major problem that is of Park area. The whole project is conceptualised around a 4 acre park. Around that park all the towers are coming and investors have been charged PLC for that also. Last year many investors come to knew that the ownership of park area land of 4 acres is not with the company rather that was with a peasant of Faridabad. Company lied to investors, they hide facts and sold flats on wrong layout plan (like us). When investors contacted the company, it was told to them that they do not have right information and park land is with them only. Investors again went to the farmer and enquired. Farmer told investors that , that part of land belong to him and the showed registry paper of land to investors. With this fact when investors countered Era Landmarks, it was told to investors that there is a case going on between that farmer and the company and company had already paid Rs 1 crore to the farmer. When investor checked this from the farmer, he said there is no case at all and he is not going to sell this land to the company. One of the investors sent an email to the company manager (Mr. Vivek Gupta) and he replied via email by writing that there was no provision of park there and that land is also not with them. When investors, with copy of that mail interacted with Mr. Chawla, (President then), he said he didn’t know how Mr. Vivek Gupta has sent that mail and he might be misinformed. Mr. Chawla said that they will have the land soon as case with farmer would settle in six months. When the investor asked about the court detail, Mr. Chawla replied that their lawyer is on leave and they will soon give all details. Further it was learnt that the lawyer, actually has resigned. Mr. Chawla, President (that time) and Mr. Arun Singh, GM (that time) were the main persons of the company with whom all conversation made during this period.

After this, the company stopped entertaining those particular investors phone calls and even blocked their emails. Company started giving false information to others that all the problems have been solved and giving reference to one particular person, who was raising his voice much said his all problems, including the park one is solved and he is quite satisfied. They started trying to confuse all the investors by giving false, manipulated and different information to different customers.

One can imagine, after investing one’s money in a project for four years and still nowhere near completion, how much frustrating and painful that could be.

Most of the project launched by Era earlier have been drastically flopped. Before success of Era Divine Court Project, all the project of this company were failed miserably like plans of selling plots in Bahadurgarh, plan of multistory at Sec. 76 by the name Heywood Colonade, Oakwood Court in Palwal and others which details we don’t know. And we don’t know what happened to their hard earned money also. All these facts remained hidden from us and all the property dealers kept us in dark deliberately. It seems that property dealers also got very good some of money for this project that’s why they are backing the company so hard.

Era Divine Court Project is being treated like a milking cow by the company; milk it as much as you can, you don’t know when will you get a cow like this. One seldom gets success like Era Divine Court project and no one knows when again one will get the success, So Era Landmarks Ltd. is trying to extract as much money as possible from this project and we are the scapegoat of this project.

This is for information of all Era investors. .

Tue, 27 Apr 2010  Vivek

I support this complaint.

Many people booked flats have in Era Divine Court at Sector -76, Faridabad, Haryana. One post I received from another site is produced below for information of all investors.

The project was launched by a company Era Landmarks Ltd. ( Era Infrastructure Ltd.). The project was a pre-launch and layout plan/map was not approved but license was obtained by them. Map approval is still awaited after expiry of eights months. There was provision of 820 flats in the said plot. People bought flats keeping in view the area /layout shown in their brochure which has some green area/open area also. Their project was almost sold out. Now after so many days investors have come know that they constructing 44 more flats in the green area/ open area, without increasing the total area of the plot, thus decreasing the open area (the same has been confirmed by the company). It is told by the company that they are constructing one creche (child nursery) and a religious building at the other proposed green site leaving no green area to 180 yard flats. For such a big community only one open area would be there, in front of 250 yard flats that too, with water tanks.
Other than that there is not enough space for parking as promised by them in the said project. In one building they have promised for four parking place, but it can not accommodate three cars also, forget four cars.
The flat is also sold on Super Area, but in brochure they are showing Built up Area. They are fooling people.

Investors have bought flats keeping in view the green area/open area and as they are constructing flats in these areas, we feel cheated and violated. At the same time, investos feel that this would make society more congested and shabby as they are giving no area for recreational activity.

On inquiry Era people are saying they well within their rights to construct those flats as they do not have charged any PLC for green area/open area and these are only minor changes and as per agreement (which was signed between us in Sept. 2009), this can be done.

But this can be not true, as construction of 44 flats and encroachment on other areas for constructing other things are not a minor change and investors feel cheated coz they first sold us flats showing green/open area and now they are constructing flats and other buildings on them.

By selling new flats, which are supposed to come in the green area, new buyers money can be at risk. They are cheating new buyers also and making false promises. Their website is also giving wrong information about this. Investors are tying to deal with Era, failing to that they would approach consumer court. This is giving company a very bad name which has good reputation.

It is learnt that Era Landmak is cheating people (new flat buyers) by telling that layout plan of old flats are sanctioned and only approval waiting for new flats. So many investors are cheated by them and still being cheated. They are making a lot of false promises to new buyers, this compnay seems to be one of the greatest cheat. Era is destroing its name by doing all this and may loose faith of people. One day all people will come to know about their shrewdness and it will pay price for its greediness.

Fri, 23 Apr 2010  Rajat

I support this complaint. This is the general behaviour of this company. Once flat is sold they take their customers for granted. I have a flat booked in one of their project Era Redwood Residency, faridabad. We never got replies to our emails asking status of the project. Their staff never picks up the call and if by mistake you call them after 6, their customer support staff would behave as if you have commited a big crime.

When we bought the flats we were promised that we will get the possesion in Sep 2010 and by now even 20% of work has not been completed. ( Only 10 floor structure is completed). Now company says with lot of pride that they will give the possesion in Nov 2011. Honestly not sure when they would be able to give.

We put our hard earn money in their project and to get answer to one email you will have to chase them like any thng and can not expect the resolution of your query before one month. and also from time to time they will put some false charges on your unit amd then you will have to chase them and beg them as if you have done a mistake.

We have commited mistake by getting flat in their project but would be my sincere advice think twice before booking any property with company. This is a real big challenge to deal with the staff members of this company.

Mon, 08 Mar 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to ERA Landmarks India Ltd on March 8, 2010, 11:40 am