- Delivered wrong Shoe size
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Complaint by: Jayati on December 9, 2013, 11:59 pm in Online Shopping


Subject: The company delivered a wrong shoe size and now they are making false statement. (Order No: 33303087)

The company delivered a wrong shoe size. They have a policy of pick up procedure for replacement if the damaged good is delivered.
I have contacted with their customer care head but he/she said that they had sent their staff for picking up the parcel from my address, but no person was available to attend him. It is not possible that there was no person in my house.

They are giving me some credit point as a provision to reimburse the courier charges. I do not want to buy any more product from them again if they do not replace the parcel.

I can give them another address for pick up if they want.

Please follow up the case. Please take necessary step to get it resolved.

Jayati Bhar

Complainant's Goal: Replacement of wrong size shoe through pick up procedure or I want my money back
Complainant's Target:
Complaint Location: IndiaWest BengalNorth 24 Parganas
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Tue, 18 Mar 2014  Mahesh kumar

I had recieve wrong size of the shoe .I have given an order of colombus shoe no.7 but I got colombus shoe no.6


same problem with me . a innovative Technic to cheat customers by buying unsold shoes from companies and passing it to customers punching the required size. congrats bag it today .