This complaint is regarding the APC inverter model no. EB1220006810 bought from a distributor of APC at Bangalore during last year before 10 months. From the date of buying the back up has not been that great and stared to get strange noise from the inverter.
I had filed complained with the APC customer care for 3 time and all the three times the engineering came checked the inverter and did nothing but said it is working fine. The back up is much lesser than my old inverter 600 VA (bought before 7 years) which was of local make and it used to give more than 4 to 5 hours of back up with TV running and here the back up runs out of power only in 2 hours.
Also from the engineer I came to know a fact about this specific model is a failure model of APC and this kind of noise always comes out of the inverter when power changes to batter in case of alternate power shutdown.
I kindly request you to look into this issue and replace my inverter and I do not think this can be repaired to increase the back up and reduce the strange noise.
VE Alagappan