times jobs

times jobs - Fraud by timesjobs.com
Mon, 24 Feb 2014 by pallav in Career and Employment
These are the details of the mail that i sent for complaint to times jobs Dear Sir madam This is to bring to your kind attention that I registered with Times job on 6.02.2014 for finding a job in gulf... Read more
times jobs - Fraud calls and payments fromTimes jobs site
Sat, 07 Dec 2013 by ANIL215 in Telemarketing
In year 2012 I paid more than Rs 6000 towards registration on site for International Jobs. Till date no job vacancy either national or international was referred by Times job portal. Now they called up from number 911409300574 stating that... Read more
times jobs - False promise and money fraud by Timesjobs.com
Sat, 23 Nov 2013 by kedar1442 in Career and Employment
This is with respect to the complain against services provided by Timesjobs.com. I got a call from Timesjobs.com executive Miss.Anjali regarding help in getting a better job. I was specifically looking for a job only. This was clearly communicated over... Read more
times jobs - Misselling and looting people in the name of confirm job by timesjobs
Thu, 02 May 2013 by 77vish in Career and Employment
ihave registered myself on timesjobs.com for the purpose of finding a job. Few days letter i have received a call from portal saying that we have identified a job for you in your preffered location and for that you have... Read more
times jobs - TIME JOb is fraud companay
Sun, 09 Dec 2012 by Jaswant Singh in Career and Employment
I have pay to Time jobs company for job as per discuss with company person Mohit 0120 6133000 0124 4918700 . Mohit said me that our company give you job within some day but You has to pay Rs. 2100... Read more
times jobs - I did not get any response. and I am not sa
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 by Vivek Sharma in Career and Employment
I have registered in times jobs and I paid 19k as par the guidence of timesjobs executive. he told me that if you want good job as par your profile you have to be paid member then I asked with... Read more