Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited - the MSEB are creting a rucus by load shedding for uneccassary amount of time
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Complaint by: sai on July 27, 2010, 1:25 am in Others

the MSEB are creting a rucus by load shedding for unecasary amount of time at times they woud do it for 5mins or 10,or15,and keep on going on like that during day or late in the night or in the evening,usually they take the power off by 2hrs in the day and in the evening,but it is unending nowdays sometimes its 3hrs in the day and 4 hrs in the evening and 3hrs very late in the night or very early morning in vasai,naigaon,nalasopara,and they excel at that by doing it they say the half time goes for industries,why are they not able to use their inteligence in deriving electricity through hydro power,dont think the people are stupid who live here,it is possible for MSEB to what ever they can to get enough power but they don't wanna do it,ultimately the govt will give the issue to a pvt sector and this pvt organisation will start charging a phenomenal amount and the public with govt cant do a thing to reduce the price,(eg:reliance industries providing electricity to mumbai and how they got it)which obviously shows HOW INCOMPETENT THE GOVT IS AND IS LACKING IN EVERY PART OF INFRASTRUCTURE,administration,and how selfish the lousy corporators and the chief minister are in just how much will i get is their thought and all their mind bend towards money making schemes.

Complainant's Goal: MSEB creating load shedding in VASAI,VIRAR,NALASOPARA for odd hrs unending
Complaint Location: IndiaVASAI VIRAR NALASOPARA
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Recent Comments
Fri, 22 Aug 2014  Pritam

Well said Mr. Sai, but here you are missing one point and that is these uneducated illiterate bastards of virar wont realise this.
They will keep on doing this shit.
As expected from people of Virar

Sun, 21 Apr 2013  Prgya

This is a very serious matter.

What we are going through makes no sense to MSEB.
I am on a favour of privatisation of electricity supply.

Tue, 27 Sep 2011  Harjit Gujar

I live in Nallasopara, and the electricity goes on and off at-least 5 to 7 times in a day, and that has already caused damages to the home electronic, and nowadays it is going for more than 4 hours and when I am at home during my week off, I hardly get any electricity and cannot put on the PC as due to cut off the motherboard has been destroyed 2 times, I wait till the night to have some stability to put the PC, but also in the night the electricity may go off sometime, India is the fastest developing country and this kind of service is not what what the government should be providing, as the government employees are well known for the kind of work they do, I would recommend the entire electricity should be handed over to Reliance or Tata.

Mon, 08 Aug 2011  adv.R.M.pande

the complain is genuine .but no action is beeing taken on it .a lot of illegal electricity is taken by mannaging authorities.e.g.nallasopara shirdi nager forest area, chandresh hills ,please verify the rooms of flat owners along with bills ,some of them pays constantly same amount whole of the year.

Sat, 30 Oct 2010  jitendra Pawar

I support this complaint.

Thu, 28 Oct 2010  Rajesh Pawar

I support this complaint.

Sun, 03 Oct 2010   Message By Complainant sa

i started to realise this that these Govt running service industries or the Pvt sector service Industries will not adhere to the fact that the People of this nation when they pay for the service provided Do surely mean that they get full worth of their money and not the fact which of course is an on going issue with the MSEB that they continue to hinder power services to VASAI VIRAR NALASOPARA ,why cant they modernise and start the drive for making SOLAR,HYDrO AND TURBINE ENERGY only one can imagine that their mind is set in money making and otherwise .they need to build these type of infrastructure,which would then increase the production level from these sources of energy and would minimise load shedding in Deffernt parts of the city which are usuall facing 70% to 80% pecent yearly

Thu, 23 Sep 2010  Antony

I support this complaint.

Sun, 19 Sep 2010  UMESH THAKUR

I support this complaint.

Sat, 28 Aug 2010  milind krishna

I support this complaint.
Energy is fundamental need. Maharashtra government say in economic survey that 'enrgy shortfall is bridged with the help of load sheddding!'
i think even a child understands that production will bridge the gap not load shedding..
More funny(?) thing is that energy production by MAHAGENCO declined from 2007-08 to 2008-09!!!???

Tue, 27 Jul 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited on July 27, 2010, 1:25 am