Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited - Elecricity bill deposite amt issue. or difference amt.
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Complaint by: Nilesh Oza on November 28, 2013, 7:20 pm in Government and Police

I stay at Nallasopara (west), i see my electricity bills are coming every time increasing day by day. and every after 3 month asking for some deposit Amount or increased in rate of Electricity charges. ( so your difference amt will be Rs.200 to 300 /-)

In last month (oct-nov-13) we have received electric bill extra Rs 200 to 300 /- as a Akundthak Baki (means this is difference amt which is not added in your last bills). when we asked same, this is due to the increases in the rate of electricity charges. so added extra charge.
we pay the bills regularly every month, why your team have not added in current months bill. why now added..(workload)

Or every three month extra deposit amt is added in the bill as a security deposit.

What is security deposit ? this charge every yearly or changing every after quarterly ? this addition amt every time consumer we do not understand.

As you no in every houses have general home appliance at their home. we have all such things like fridge, washing machine, fan, tube lights, and we are three in our home.

In summer we put fan on all time on. but in winter we put off all the fan still bill increases in summer as well as winter.

All can not afford to pay extra amt every time..

I have to ask, that consumer have to pay like this every time with out getting proper answer or pay with out asking.

every time we have to pay extra amt, because we have no other option !!!

Looking forward for the desired needful from your end at the earliest

as we all know we will not get anyanswer or solution of it....

>>>>>>Let's make the system better in each department<<<<<<<<<<<<<



Complainant's Goal: Looking forward for the desired needful from mahadiscom
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtra
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