Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited - SECURITY DEPOSIT
Contact Complainant 1523 Views Report Spam
Ref: Consumer Number: 020150044821
We had deposited Rs.300/- as security deposit & also Rs.320/- as additional security deposit vide receipt No.1804693 dt.26.08.2000. Total we had deposited Rs.620/- as security deposit.
Your bill up to dated 26.5.2010 you had mentioned Rs.620/- as security deposit, but bill dt.28.6.2010 onwards you are showing Rs.320/- only as security deposit.
Kindly rectify the above typographical error. From your next bill onwards please mention Rs.620/- as security deposit.
Complainant's Goal: SECURITY DEPOSIT PAID RS.620/-
Complainant's Target: Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
Complaint Location: India › KALYAN MAHARASHTRA
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An email communication has been sent to Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited on September 3, 2010, 2:24 pm