Idea Cellular - start my mob. no 9850964001 immedeatly
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Complaint by: sushil on February 20, 2011, 3:56 pm in Telecommunications

dear ideacellular team,
I am very disatisfied with services of idea because was using the mobile no of idea - ********01 and also submited all my documents in idea customer care ,sangli maharashtra , but still my card is not activited and now services center people are saying that it is curopt but when i dial the same no. it is in use by another persone who has recived the no yestarday.... tell me how can you give any bodies mob. no to other persone ... I requst you pls start my no. on my no. on my name immedeatly by tomarow....... as you say in your adds that mobile no is a persones ideantity and you talk of mobile no portablit ...... can you pls start the no. which is actualy issued... i have used the no for few day and it atomaticaly out of services how is it possibale

sushilkumar shinde

Complainant's Goal: to activate the no.on my name immedeatly
Complainant's Target: Idea Cellular
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraSangli
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Thu, 24 Feb 2011 - Business Reply from - ideacellular (Idea Cellular)

Dear Sir,

We wish to inform you that the number was not in use for more than 3months due to the same reason the number has been disconnected as per the zero usage policy. For further assistance kindly get in touch with our Customer care centre -details updated on Idea website.


Sun, 20 Feb 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Idea Cellular on February 20, 2011, 3:56 pm