BANKING - Rationalisation of Pay Fitment Policy for Exserviceman employed in PSBs
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Complaint by: on March 27, 2013, 12:56 pm in Banking and Finance

Based on the contents of GOI letter no F.No.4/1/2010-SCT (B) dated 23-03-2012 and the amended relevant provisions of CCS orders, it was expected that basic pay in Public Sector Bank would not be fixed below “pay in band Plus Grade Pay” received during retirement from Indian Air Force.

It is really matter of frustration for some of the ex serviceman that basic pay in public sector banks are being fixed based upon the Gross Pay that he received from defense services at the time of retirement.This Gross pay (includes Pay in Band, Grade Pay, and DA) has been considered in fixation of my basic pay on reemployment in such a way that the DA at the time of retirement from Defense service has been equated to DA at the time of joining Bank.The DA component in the Gross pay gets the maximum weightage, when considered for the purpose of re-fixation of pay for ex-serviceman. If the DA at the time of retirement from Defense Services i.e @0% Jan - Jun 2006, @2% Jul -Dec 2006, @6% Jan-Jun 2007, @9% Jul-Dec 2007 @12% Jan-Jun2008 has been equated to prevailing DA at the time of recruitment in Bank many ex servicemen will be fooled by the present pay fixation policy in PSB.

For example an exserviceman who retired from Defense services in Jan 2010 and joins public sector Bank in May 2011 will get basic pay which is less than the amount of (pay in band plus grade pay) that he recieved at the time of retirement from Defense Services. The reason is DA @ 53% during May 2011(at the time of joining Bank) is compared to DA @ 35% during Jan 10 and Basic pay so fixed on reemployment is reduced to a value so that the total Pay consisting of Basic Pay, DA, HRA and Conveyance allowance just exceed the Gross pay that he received at the retirement.

The following facts tabulated below can be compared to understand the disparity in detail.

The ex-serviceman (after 20 years of Service) who retired in 30th Apr 2008, his Gross Pay in Def Service was Rs 16722/- {Rs 10730/- (Pay in Band)+ Rs 2800 (Grade Pay)+ Rs 1400 (Group X Pay)+ Rs 1732 (12% DA) + GCB and other allowances}.
The ex-serviceman (after 20 years of Service) who retired in 30 May 2011 his Gross pay in Def Services was Rs 21366/-{Rs 11220/- (Pay in Band)+ Rs 2800 (Grade Pay)+ Rs 1400 (Group X Pay)+ Rs 5946 (53% DA) }.
The ESM who retired with a Gross Pay of Rs 16722/- joined United Bank of India in May 2011 and gets his Basic Pay fixed at Rs 11700/- wef from May 2011 (Rs 10500/- plus two increments on account of having Graduation degree).
The ESM who retired with a Gross Pay of Rs 21366/- joined United Bank of India in Oct 2012, and gets his Basic Pay fixed above Rs 16000/-.

Thus we can infer from the aforesaid facts that a serious disparity has occurred in Pay Fixation of Ex-Serviceman reemployed in United Bank of India. A Junior Ex-Service man employee is getting more pay and allowances than his Senior Counter part. The difference in Basic Pay of both the ex-serviceman Bank employee is more than Rs 5000/- . The issue has been submitted many times to the authorities through proper channels and to our Union leaders for redressal but so far there is no response shown to the aggrieved lot.

The relevant references to the subject matter are mentioned below.
(i)No.HR&IR/CIR/2012-13/76/589/5499 dated 02 Apr 2012
(ii)O.M. No. 3/19/2009. Esst. Pay dated 8th November 2010 from DOP&T.
(iii)F.No.4/1/2010-SCT (B) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Financial Services dated23-03-2012
(iv) O.M. No. 3/19/2009. Esst. Pay dated 05-04-2010

GOI office memorandum dated Sep 2012 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions states that “For the purpose of pay fixation as well as pension, on re employment in the Banks, the reckonable emoluments are Basic Pay + Grade Pay + Military Service Pay + NPA(Non Practicising Pay).

Para 4(b)(ii) of O.M. No. 3/19/2009. Esst. Pay dated 05-04-2010 clearly mention in the Note that in the revised pay structure basic pay is pay in the “pay in band plus grade pay” attached to the post.

However it may be noted from the above mentioned circulars that a statement quoted as “ESMs are eligible for Pay fixation in Banks based on the pay drawn by them at the time of discharge from the Defense Services which would include pay band plus grade pay” is interpreted in the manner mentioned above to cause this disparity in pay fixation.

It is reliably learnt that almost all the public sector banks are following the same procedure of pay fixation of ex-serviceman. The ex-servicemen who retired in 2006, 2007 and 2008 are the most suffered if they were not lucky enough to get employment opportunity immediately after retirement because the DA for them was less. We therefore believe that there is lack of clarity in the instructions, with regard to the subject, from Govt of India to IBA and further down to PSBs. So it is essential for us to know the correct platform from which we can project these issues and get them redressed suitably.

Complainant's Goal: Rationalisation of Pay fitment policies for exserviceman reemployed in PSBs
Complainant's Target: BANKING
Complaint Location: IndiaWest BengalPaschim Medinipur
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Recent Comments
Sat, 29 Aug 2015  Sandeep Kumar

Is there any progress on the issue? Should we plan to go to court now ?

Sun, 19 Jul 2015  Bibhuti Prasad Das

I am also an employee of State Bank of India. I am retired from Army on 31 Jan 2008 and join SBI on 21 Sep 2011 as an Armed Guard. My initial pay fitment in SBI also wrong as per the circulars. They calculate Basic+Grade Pay+DA at the time of my retirement. So my basic became less. If they calculate only Basic+Grade Pay as per the Circulars/Office Memorandum then naturally it goes high. How SBI take the new formula for pay fitment. How the problem solved. So many ex-servicemen suffering with this formula by PSBs.

Fri, 22 Aug 2014  Supratik

State Bank of India exservicemen employees have taken a very bold step to rationalise the pay fixation policies in public sector banks. Lot of Exservicemen are effected by these discriminating policies. Some of us are drawing basic pay less than a cash peon. So I want to share this information with all of you and at the same time appeal to you to lodge grievances from all possible platforms so that all channels get flooded with our grievances due to irrational pay fitment policies in bank.
माननीय प्रधान मंत्री महोदय,
पूर्व सैनिंकों का सादर नमस्कार , जुलाई २०१४
विषय:- पूर्व सैनिकों की पुनर्नियुक्तिपरान्त बैंक में वेतन निर्धारण एवं सेना में प्राप्त मूल वेतन की मांग पर बैंक अधिकारीयों द्वारा दी जाने वाली मानसिक एवं आर्थिक प्रताड़ना के सम्बन्ध में
हम सभी का आपको विश्व के सबसे बड़े गणतंत्र का नेतृत्व करने का अवसर मिलने एवं प्रधानमंत्री बनने पर हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!
हम सभी सैनिक, जिस निष्ठा से देश की सीमाओं की सुरक्षा की है, उसी निष्ठा से देश की आर्थिक व्यवस्था सुधारने हेतु आपके द्वारा दिए गए निर्देशों को लागू करने मे अपना योगदान देंगे, ऐसा वचन देते हैं I इस पत्र के माध्यम से हम आपका ध्यान बैंक के ऐसे नियम की ओर आकर्षित करना चाहते है जो पूर्व सैनिकों के पुनर्नियुक्तिपरान्त उनके वेतन निर्धारण में असमानता पैदा करता है I
२. बैंको के द्वारा हमारी वेतन का निर्धारण इस प्रकार से किया जाता है कि महंगाई भत्ता को महत्व हमारी सेवा को दरकिनार कर देता है i ऐसा आवश्यक नहीं है की किसी पूर्व सैनिक को तुरंत नौकरी मिल जाये I क्योंकि उसे प्रतियोगिता परीक्षाओं में शामिल होना होता है, परिणाम का इंतजार करना पड़ता है और तब तक महंगाई भत्ता जो सेना से अवकाश प्राप्ति के समय था उसमे काफी वृद्धि हो जाती है I बैंक में उन पूर्व सैनिको का वेतन सेना में प्राप्त वेतन एवं महंगाई भत्ता के योग के बराबर या उससे ज्यादा इस प्रकार से निर्धारित किता जाता है क़ि बैंक का मूल वेतन एवं महंगाई भत्ता मिलकर जो सेना में कुल मूल वेतन एवं महँगाई भत्ता का योग था, उससे ठीक ज्यादा हो I ऐसे में यदि किसी को चार या पांच सालों तक नौकरी नहीं मिली तो बैंक में उसका मूल वेतन घटता जायेगा क्योंकि महंगायी भत्ता बढ़ रहा है और कुल योग सीमित है I
३ इस त्रुटि को बैंक अधिकारीयों के सामने लाने की हमने भरपूर कोशिश की लेकिन उनके कानो पर जूं तक नहीं रेंगी और इस कमी को छिपाने के लिए हाथ धो कर हमारे पीछे पड़ गए I इस वजह से हमारे ही सहकर्मी को जो हमसे बाद में अवकाश ग्रहण किये और बैंक में लग गए उन्हें लगभग हमसे दोगुना वेतन मिलता है जबकि सेना में हम एक ही वेतनमन में कार्यरत थे. ऐसे में हमारे परिवार आर्थिक तंगी से जूझने को मजबूर है I हमारे बीच भारी असंतोष है I बैंक अधिकारीयों से किये गए पत्राचार की प्रति आपके द्वारा त्वरित समाधान हेतु संलग्न है I
४. सभी विवादों का निपटारा न्यायालय से हो, ऐसा जरुरी नहीं है I हमारी कोशिश थी कि आपसी बातचीत से इस त्रुटि को दूर कर लिया जाये लेकिन हमारे सारे प्रयास विफल रहे I ऊपर से हमारे वेतन से लगातार कटौती कि जा रही है कुछ पूछने पर हमें नौकरी से निकालने की धमकी दी जाती है . (चेतावनी पत्र की प्रति संलग्न)
५. बैंक द्वारा पूर्व सैनिकों के वेतन निर्धारण के सम्बन्ध में जारी पत्र संख्या ई-१२६३ (सी डी ओ /पी एंड एच आर डी-आई र/७४-२०१३-१४ दिनांक १८-०२-२०१४) के अनुसार बैंक में हमारा मूल वेतन एवं रु २०० का योग सेना में प्राप्त अंतिम वेतन (जो की पे इन बैंड+ ग्रेड पे +एक्स ग्रुप पे +मिलिट्री सर्विंग पे +रिक्लासिफिकेसन पे ) के बराबर या उससे ज्यादा होना चाहिए( प्रति संलग्न-१) I इस पत्र में सेना में प्राप्त अंतिम वेतन का निर्धारण रक्षा मंत्रालय द्वारा दिनांक २४ जुलाई २००९ को जारी पत्र संख्या १/६९/२००८/डी( पे /सर्विसेज )के आधार पर किया जा रहा है जो की गैर अधिकारी वर्ग के सैनिकों के लिए जिन्होंने सेना में पुनः रोजगार नहीं पाया है , पर लागू नहीं होता ( प्रति संलग्न-2)I (गैर अधिकारी सैनिकों के अवकाश प्राप्ति पूर्व वेतन दर्शाने वाला पत्र संलग्न-३)
६. सेना में बीस साल की नौकरी करने के बाद एक पूर्व सैनिक शांतिपूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत करना चाहता हैं और बड़े ही गर्व से भारतीय स्टेट बैंक में प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा में वरीयता क्रम में आने के बाद शामिल होता है I काफी मुश्किलों के बाद ये नौकरी मुझे मिली और बड़ा ही खुश था क़ि अपनी प्रौढा अवस्था में अपने परिवार के साथ जीवन व्यतीत करेंगे और शान से और ईमान से देश की जनता को बैंकिंग सेवाओं से खुश कर देश क़ि अर्थ व्यवस्था को मजबूत करने में अपना योगदान देंगे I लेकिन पूरी ईमानदारी और निष्ठा से काम करने के बाद भी मुझे इतनी कम तनख्वाह मिल रही है क़ि न तो अपने बच्चों को अच्छे कोचिंग में डाल सके , नाही अच्छे घर में रह सकता है I पत्नी और बच्चों की जरूरतों को पूरा न कर पाने की स्थिति में आये दिन प्रताड़ित और अपमानित होना पड़ता है I
बैंक में वेतन निर्धारण में भेदभाव की नीति अपनाई गयी है I सेना में समान मूल वेतन पाने वाला और समान रैंक पर काम करने वाला गैर अधिकारी सैनिकों को बैंक में वेतन कम या ज्यादा इस आधार पर दिया जा रहा है कि उसने जब सेना की नौकरी छोड़ी तो महंगाई भत्ता कितना था I उसके मूल वेतन और सेना में नौकरी के वर्षो का कोई महत्व नहीं है I दूसरी तरफ जब एक रैंक से अवकाश प्राप्त पूर्व सैनिकों के लिए समान पेंशन की व्यवस्था की गयी है तो उन्ही सैनिकों के बीच वेतन में भेद भाव होना हीन भावना को जन्म देता है I
६. अतः आपसे हम सबका अनुनय एवं निवेदन है की आप पहचान को गुप्त रखकर इस सम्बन्ध में जाँच करवाएं और इस त्रुटि को दूर करने हेतु आवश्यक निर्देश देकर हम सभी पर एवं हमारे परिवार पर कृपा बरसायें I इसके के लिए हम सभी पूर्व सैनिक और हमारा परिवार सदा आपका आभारी रहेगा I
प्रताड़ित पूर्व सैनिक समूह,
भारतीय स्टेट बैंक
नामावली संलग्न.
प्रति:-१. रक्षा मंत्री- भारत सरकार
२. पूर्व सैनिक कल्याण सचिव- भारत सरकार
३. सचिव (उत्तरी क्षेत्र) -पूर्व वायु सैनिक संगठन
४. माननीय सांसद ( चंडीगढ़)- श्री मति किरण खेर
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Mon, 04 Aug 2014  supratik

It is quite frustrating to read the reply of DOPT which is given to me after constantly pursuing the issue for three months. DOPT has deliberately ignored to address the issue raised and instead it tried to say that MSP is not to included for pay fixation. My point is whether increasing DA should be used as a tool to cut short the benefits extended to exservicemen. As per present pay fitment policies only those exservicemen will get this benefit of pay protection who are exremely lucky enough to get reemployment immediately after discharge from Defence Services. In some cases we have seen that Pay fitment of some exservicemen has been done in a manner such that the ESM gets basic pay less than a cash peon. Let us join our hands to fight it out friends.

Tue, 20 May 2014  Ramesh k

Pay fixation exserviceman in PSUs

Date of retiremennt from IAF 16 Noc 2006
Basic pay+grade pay + X pay Rs 15060
Joined IOB 15 Oct 2012
Basic Pay fixed in iob 8400, I rsfused to accept
Open university MA , graduation pay not given

Fri, 11 Apr 2014  Samuel John P

Are the belongs to ESM banking .


I am agree with u. Also I want some clarification that whether ExM will get both the DA i.e. on Pension and in Bank Salary

Sat, 08 Mar 2014  Supratik

Dear Exservicemen Friends since three years we have been raising this issue through different platforms. As a result IBA has taken some steps to console us and published the Ministry of Finance circular dated 17 Feb 2014, which is nothing but reiteration of earlier DOPT circulars. IBA has tried to prove that the MOF circular dated 17 Feb 2014 is sufficient to remove the existing discrimination among the ex servicemen employees in PSB. I am well aware of the fact that the aggrieved exservicemen are not at all satisfied with this sort of revised guidelines. So I have requested DOPT to take up the issue after I was advised by our Ex servicemen Welfare ministry. Request submitted on 21 Jan 2014 vide PG portal. On 18 Feb 2014 the whole issue has been forwarded to DOPT pay section where the disposal is still awaited. In the mean time I requested Ministry of Finance Banking Division to clarify on the procedure of inclusion of DA for the purpose of initial pay fixation of ESMs. But the intent of MOF Banking Division is not positive. It is noted that none of the officer is willing to take up this matter sympathetically for redressal. Also they are not willing to inquire into the procedure of pay fixation of ESM. It is therefore decided that after 15 days or one month if we do not get satisfactory reply from DOPT, it will become imperative to serve a legal notice to Banks, IBA and MOF Banking Division on this issue. So, dear friends, at this critical moment we all need to come together and support each other with full determination and courage, for which we are known all over the world. My telephone ********61. My email

Thu, 27 Feb 2014  barani kumar k

dear all
my discharge is jul 2005 just before 5 mths beofe pay commission joined bank of india in may 2010. the payment is more than my last pay drawn i was equally paid with new joinees from civil pl give any clarification regarding pre 2006 pay fixation

barani kk


MOD is sleeping

the DPE memo is issued on dec 2012

wef 2007
why to blame SAIL GAIL ONGC all psu

when MOD is late by 09 yrs in pay fixation guidelines for all military pers joining PSU

now after vijaya bank i have to fight with SAIL to get my basic refixation since appoinmrnt in 2008 dec from vijya bank

Basic pay finalization would not exceed the maximum of the scale & residual amount would be paid as personal pay this personal pay would not count for any purpose including DA

My basic -27300-

22300 max of scale -= 5000 must be paid as residual amount as personal pay this personal pay would not count for any purpose including DA

as per the self explanatory DPE om dated 14.12.12

2. Basic pay at my previous Govt employer – (as revised now , with effect retro respectively ) respectfully drawn till date of my honorable release through proper channel on (11.12.08) from VIJAYA BANK )– as 27300- higher to the maximum of the prescribed Pay scale of my appointment with basic pay as 17500- as existed (on 12.12.08 on joining SAIL ) - (17500-4%-22300) later revised retro respectively to 36600-3% 62000


Registration Number : DEABD/E/2013/01759
Name Of Complainant : colonel R S Shekhawat
Date of Receipt : 28 May 2013
Received by : Department of Financial Services (Banking Division)
Forwarded to : Vijaya Bank
Contact Address : Head Office,41/2, M.G.Road,


Contact Number : 0********66
Grievance Description : : R e-fixation Pay protection on re employment in PSU banks –
Ex Staff Code 20803 Manager SECURITY
MAJOR Rajinder Singh Shekhawat
1.please refer; - GOI ministry of finance letter dated 28.8.12 copy attached
I served in Vijaya bank as Manager SECURITY MMG-II in the pay scale 13820- 19920 from 5.2.07 to 11.12.08, and
was Honorably released through proper channel on my selection to Govt CPSE -SAIL VISL as( E4) Manager SECURITY

in the pay scale 36600- 3%- 62000 on 12.12.08 2. Vide Para 3 of above quoted GOI letter i. Having served the PSU (Govt) bank -after 2006 ii. Legally eligible, for pay re-fixation based on the pay drawn at the time of discharge from the Army Inclusive of pay band + grade pay but not MSP -6000 a)
-As Major my pay band –3 in the
pay scale - 15900-39100 + 6600 as Grade pay Basic pay( at the time of joining vijaya bank) last drawn in ARMY was-25575- reemployed on 05.02.07 in vijaya bank After 01.01.2006 view of the above please do re-fixation as per the ibid GOI letter arrears for the reckonable service rendered in vijaya bank ,be appropriately granted kindly instruct VIJAYA BANK to honor your letter dated 28.8.12 and release the arrears after re fixation of my pay as per the goi letter as ibid
Current Status : CASE CLOSED
Your Feedback :
Date of Action : 06 Nov 2013
Details : The Bank has reported that the ex-employee while requesting for re-fixation of his pay did not produce the revised quot;Last Pay Certificatequot; Issued by Military Authorities. However, subsequently he has produced the revised Last Pay Certificate. On receipt of the same we have re-fixed his pay on 13.07.2013 as per Government of India/ IBA guidelines.

Our Regional Office Udupi, where he has last worked in our Bank has released the arrears amount of Rs.92936.10 on 30.08.2013, under intimation to him. The complainant has already conveyed us his heartiest thanks over his mobile No.********30
for the payment received.

The Complaint stands closed in our records and therefore we request you to treat the matter as closed and update the same in your books.

i served respectfully for only 22 months in the excellent BANK of the world - VIJAYA BANK even after 05 years i had raised the issue only on email YET within in just 01 month i received the arrears
how fast how GOOD
thanks to all in vijaya bank especially in RO UDUPI in particular to shetty's & hegde's very kind of them
chief of security SAIL VISL

Mon, 02 Dec 2013  colonel shekhawat

ministry of finanace GOI issued guidelines on pay fixation on 28/8/12 the said letter is available on net based on which i got my pay refixed in vijaya bank & received arrears 92000 for 22 omths bank service fro 05/07/08 to 11.12.08 before joining SAIL

all is good in bank & civil govt in PSU sail ongc etc

but the MOD has issued this guideliine in 2012 wef 2007 what could bank or any PSU do

so is bad in PCDA allahabad
pension reg 2008 is published in 2012

thus problem is with us not with any other the IAS babu in MOD do nothing for ex serviceman

Thu, 21 Nov 2013  kv raju

i also support for othis cause.

Fri, 15 Nov 2013  Supratik

Last month I appealed to exservicemen welfare ministry and the matter was taken up with Ministry of Finance which gave me the following reply

The grievance of Sh. Supratik pandey under Regd No. DPG/B/2013/80383 dt. 06.10.2013(recd. on 13.11.2013 through PG portal ). Applicant is informed that banks are autonomous in their HR matters. It has therefore been decided that IBA should take appropriate decision in the matters of pay fixation of Public Sector Banks employees/officers (including ex-servicemen), as deemed fit. However, while doing so, IBA has to ensure that such pay fixations are in consonance with DOPT’s guidelines. IBA has further been requested to ensure that all PSBs follow these guidelines in a uniform way to avoid disparity in pay fixation across the PSBs. No further action has been taken by this Deptt. in the matter
Please post your views, comments and suggestions here. My telephone no ********61 email

Tue, 12 Nov 2013  manoj Singh

Hi feds.
It is quite frustating to all those ex servicemen who retired in 2006 2007 &2008 but re employed in 2010 our sub ordinates r also getting more salary being they get early job after retirement.. govt should make uniform policy. Jai hind

Thu, 03 Oct 2013  Supratik

Dear Ex Servicemen friends I suggest that we should submit the whole issue for redressal by GOI through

Ms AS Lakshmi
Joint Secretary ESW
South Block
New Delhi

Please post your views, ideas, suggestions, advice, criticism on this topic .I want to make a final draft for further submission to GOI.

Sun, 29 Sep 2013  venkatesh narayan

It is rally a big, unheard and unresolved issue.One side Govt implemented one rank one pension to fill up the gap in pension of ex servicemen pensioner.As per the rti, DoPT has clarified that there is no revised pay fixation formula for pay fixation of ex servicemen on re-employment after 1988.After VI CPC, every thing has come in part and has bi parted the unity of ex servicemen.We have to get a decision in this regard before VII CPC. Formation of CPC is already in progress> So, come a common conclusion at the earliest.
Jai Hind.