railway tiket - railway irctc
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Complaint by: o777 on May 10, 2011, 9:47 am in Indian Railways
dear sir
sir my name haleem ,i m from lucknow india.
i proud of that i m indian. but i hate crupption .my problem is railway irctc cruption .8 am to 8.30am always server down...then open server tillnow all ticket booked...its black marketting .
i m sending you irctc link plz u chk and solve this problem,
mohd haleem
lucknow ,
Complainant's Goal: railway online ticket
Complainant's Target: railway tiket
Recent Comments
I would like to endorse this complaint, as many of us, faced same situation, while getting tatkal tickets.
I also don't want to waste any of us time, incase no action is being taken to resolve this complaint.