Idea Cellular - Post to Pre migration - Idea cellulor
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Complaint by: Ratheesh R Nath on November 27, 2009, 4:21 pm in Mobile and Cell Phones


I have been behind Idea cellular for last one month regarding my bill payment and migration to prepaid. Idea cellular could not help me in any way and am really sorry to say that I have never found such ridiculous, inefficient service providers in my life.
I have paid the full amount along with filled migration form to Sahil communications Khadki with receipt number 502.
After around 30 calls to their corporate customer care and talking with Mr. Datta some how the amount has been credited to my account after 25 days.
Still the connection is not yet migrated to Prepaid and the bill is generating every month where am not using this mobile to make any calls. When I gave application for migration, the lady at the outlet told that I can make calls up to Rs 100/- and if I use more than 100/- the process will not be done & I have used it to make 1 or 2 calls. Now when I called to customer care the Manager asked me to forget about that lady ( I felt shamed when I heard such statement from a manager) and pay the balance and give application again to process.
When I was communicated with Mr. Dutta, he was assuring me that I need not pay any extra money and will be reversed.
I do not know what to do and feels I lost my money and precious time.
Is there any way I can get this done through this forum.

Thanks & Best Regards

Ratheesh R. Nath
Cell: +91 ********76

Complainant's Goal: I want the process to be done
Complainant's Target: Idea Cellular
Complaint Location: IndiaPoone
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Fri, 27 Nov 2009  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Idea Cellular on November 27, 2009, 4:21 pm