Indane Gas - My INDANE GAS connection has been disconnected
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Complaint by: Ravi Sindhal on September 20, 2010, 11:13 am in Others
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am Ravi Sindhal, S/O Late shri K.R.Sindhal facing a problem that is my indane gas connection has been disconnected from last 2 month.I have both the connection IGL and Indane Gas.When i went to the office, he said that no one can have both the connection at the same time.customer no is K10731.
So may i know why a person cant have both the connection, currently i live at greater noida, but after 2 month my office would be shifted from noida to gurgaon, at that time what will i do?
So plz do the needfull
Ravi Sindhal
Complainant's Goal: I want my connection back
Complainant's Target: Indane Gas
Complaint Location: India › Greater Noida
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An email communication has been sent to Indane Gas on September 20, 2010, 11:13 am