I am one of the Consumer of Indian Gas and my consumer number is 4203 at Kolkata. My area distributor M/S Anand, Rani Harshamukhi Road Kolkata-700003 is very rude to all the customer. I have applied for additinal cylinder and has also received a letter comfirming that the same has been issued and was informed to contact M/S Anand for delivery. I am running after him since 1 month and he is not even bother a speak to his, He has also abused my parent. This person is very rude when dealing with the customer and has also told that he will stop our delivery. We are paying for the service and being a consumer he has not right to use slang language when dealing with us. I want this issue to be taken up very seriously and action needs to be taken against him. Please arrange to get my distributor changed as i cannnot deal with such a cheap and low grade person.
Looking forward for the response.
Harjit Singh
An email communication has been sent to Indane Gas Distributor on June 5, 2009, 6:04 pm