Sheetal Enterprises - Laptop Loan Fraud - By Sheetal Enterprices ( Suresh muthreja)
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Complaint by: Vikas Dubey on November 23, 2009, 6:41 pm in Loans All

Dear Sir,

My name is Vikas Dubey.
I am living in tarapur Boisar.
1 month before i have seen one advertisment on having offer of - Labtops on Emi
I was intreasted so i have posted a message to advertiser that i am intreasted.
Second day He has send a Email with detils.
The person name is - SURESH MUTHREJA
He is mailing add is : -
His cell no is - ********34

On that mail he has asked that we have to submit 3 months sallery slip, 3 Months Bank statment , Our Resident proof, Id proof along with Quotation of Local computer dealer and 25 % amount of desired laptop. We can pay in 6/12/18/24 months emi.He has promiced to complete all procedure in 72 hrs (3 working days.)
on receipt of that email me and my friend manoj sharma have taken a quotation from our local dealer and send a scan copy along with our other documents through email.

on sunday 11th October. on monday Mr suresh has called and given a account no to Transfer 25% amount for further processing.
The account no given was -
S.B.A NO - ********9214
ICICI BANK Chembur Branch.
The account holder name is - POONAM SURESH MUTHREJA.
We have asked him about this account , he said this is his doughters account.

Then on 12th Oct - we both has transfered 7000 rs from boths account to icici bank account ********9214 through Internet banking thransaction no is are : -

000124072927 from my icici bank account - 00********50
(Vikas Vedprakash Dubey)

Thransaction no - 000124071579 FROM ICICI BANK ACCOUNT - 00********08 (Manoj kumar visheakarma)

Total transfered amount is - 14000 Rs.

he has asked to complete a process in 3 days and send a DD in Favour Server-tech computers on 16th Oct.
On 16th becouse on 13th there is a elections in maharashtra and it is off.
we have called him on 16th he said the bank is asking for Guarantor so tyhe process was delayed, he has aske to do the needfull after diwali (diwali off is on 17 & 18 oct )

we have told him to refund money but he is insisting to do the needfull after diwali.
again i have contacted on 19th Oct , he asked me to do the needfull in next 3-4 days. The process continues and whenever i called him he give a new reason of delay or he ask me becose he is busy so no be able to do the needfull... again and again he asked me to complete process in nest few days....
Finally after 20 days i have asked this to refund our money on 10th Nov and asked him to refound money...
He agreed and ask me to refund on 15th Nov...

On 15th November whole day he has not recvd our call and on 16th he told us that he has send cash through dropbox and same will be credited to our account in next 24 hrs... on 17th i have called again ... then he said to check with branch why the money has not been credited.
he said me to advise what happen by afternoon...
i have asked him if he has droped cash in drop box send me the scan copy of counterfoil... but no he asked me to deposit money in my account on 18th morning, but he has not deposited...
again on 19th he said to deposit money today but no
the same commitment he is commiting from last 5-6 days whenever i call either he didn\'t recv call or ask me to do the needfull today or tomorrow.....
Still whenever he recv our call he ask to do the needfull tomorrow.
but i dont know when his tomorrow come.....

If you search key word - muthreja2009 on google, many many advertisment on many wensites you will find related to suresh muthreja.. his advertisment is regarding real estate brockrage, laptop emi , flats on rent in mumbai ets... i am worried if this person is doing same thing with his other consumers...
he is also having 2 website - &
he is playing game... with us.......
Today morning also we are trying to call and after co many calls he has not recvd calls but send a message that he will do the needfull on monday. This types of commitment he is doing form last 40 days...

I have all his emails and sms messages with me....
i have his many many voice recorning on my cell phone.... i have allready given internet transaction numbers

now he is not refunding our money also laptop finance not done by him...

i realised now that i have made a big big mistack after transfering money to his account withour knowing hom ... but what to do now...

can we take any legal action against him.....

I am provide you emails, sms and call voice recordings.

Pls guide me..

Best Regards
Vikas Dubey
Cell no - ********88
Email -
Office no - 02525-261264 / 261263 Extn no - 7721.
Contact no(Resi) - 02525 - 284966

Complainant's Goal: I want with Mr Suresh Muthreja to refund our Money which we have transfered.
Complainant's Target: Sheetal Enterprises
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraThane
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Recent Comments
Thu, 04 Mar 2010  Asha Shah

The Comments posted by the complainants and Mr.Nagesh rane all show the desperation and hurry in branding mr.muthreja suresh a criminal and one who has already been sentenced to Jail. Foolish and absurd.The Mumbai Police is well aware of its powers and jurisdictions. It has authorised neither the complaints nor mr.nagesh rane to declare mr.muthreja suresh a criminal nor even heard,with evidence, proof submitted or yet to be submitted by the complaintants and by the way mr.nagesh rane being a third party is personally liable to be procecuted under CRPC of IPC Act for defaming mr.muthreja suresh, his family and for declaring him a criminal.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010  Manoj Vishwakarma

Update: Comment removed due to in-appropriate and threatening language used.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Update: Comment removed due to in-appropriate and threatening language used.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Vikas. im trying to call u since past 1 hr your no is switched off. ramesh shindes no that you gave me is not reachable. Please come at my office tomorrow afternoon along with Shinde. i wont be available on my cell u can speak to my PA he will guide you with further proceedings. call me ASAP once u read this message

Wed, 03 Mar 2010   Message By Complainant vikas dubey

Yes Mr.Rane i agree with you we have enough words and bloging with this suresh muthreja. its time to teach a lesson through low otherwise he will be next charlaes shobhraj and talgi.

Shame on you mr muthreja, if you dont have any guilty of fraud you are doing with ppl me , manoj vishwakarma , praveen manjrekar Raj then i would like to say your are the shameless creature in the world. SHAME ON YOU.

Wed, 03 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Suresh i think we had enough of words by now on this blog its time for action now. We have also traced your Navjeevan Address first target would be that address then you directly. and yes you said it right "Let the Law takes its own course". Mr Manoj i tried calling you but yr number was not reachable please reach me at i will help you get your money back please contact me before friday as we have some good plans and a royal dinner for Suresh on Saturday night. please call me ASAP

Wed, 03 Mar 2010  Muthreja Suresh

Let the Law takes its own course.

Wed, 03 Mar 2010  Manoj Vishwakarma

Mr Muthreja trying to be like a innocient child.
if you are thinking this messages are posting by some one else call me & vikas.
my cell no you should allready have but giving again which is - ********95.
if any one has any dought and want to know Mr. muthreja and want proof of this fraud crook , just call me i'll send you the cd having enough proof.
Mr Muthreja if you are reading this post call me once ,if you have guts. my no is ********95.
i'll wait for your call..

Wed, 03 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Update: Comment deleted due to invalid email used for making comment.

Wed, 03 Mar 2010  Muthreja Suresh

In all probabilities it is not the real Mr.Nagesh Rane. It is someone else posting messages here under an Alias. If so the same person has already been booked under sections 498 a and 308 at Chembur Police Station and case going on at Kurla Court for the last 5 years.Anyway as I already wrote no individual,NGO,Political Party has the right or power to stalk an individual and or brand an individual a criminal and the concerned individuals are free to get legal help if they feel they have been cheated.

Wed, 03 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Update: Comment removed due to in-appropriate and threatening language used.

Sat, 27 Feb 2010  Muthreja Suresh

mr.Nagesh Rane seems to be acting as Judge, Jury and the Executioner. Making allegations left and right about cases pending against me and that he has the power to investigate matters related to me and that he has arrest warrant which he is
Its BLACKMAIL AND EXTORTION (making vikas dubey an ACCOMPOLICE and on whose say so mr.nagesh rane is being so vocal ) being done by Mr.Nagesh Rane with 100% cooperation from your website.
No INDIVIDUAL,POLITICAL PARTY or even an NGO has the AUTHORITY/POWER to investigate complaints of commercial nature and or brand someone a criminal or that without proper court procedures A PERSON CAN BE DECLARED GUILTY and liable to be arrested on or before 7th of March, 2010.Humbug and Rubbish .I have FUNDAMENTAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL right to defend my name ,legally.Please have the comments by Nagesh Rane removed immediately.
Legal and Police help is being sought against Mr.Nagesh Rane and complaint forwarded to Mumbai
Asst.commissioner of Police's Office Zone VI, Chembur and The Commissioner of Police,Mumbai.

Fri, 26 Feb 2010  Nagesh Rane

Update: Comment deleted due to invalid email used for making comment.

Wed, 24 Feb 2010  Kamble Sandip

Update: Comment deleted due to invalid email used for making comment.

Tue, 23 Feb 2010  Asha Shah

[QUOTE=Unregistered;6819]its a big complex. all this back biting of this mr. muthreja suresh.. sleeping over the matter and waking up to add name to the complaint. ..mature, educated guys like mr.vikas dubey and this new mr.raj from chembur, going out of their way to get things done illegally or legally and when things go wrong shout from the top of the roof. Wake up man. maybe by the end of 2010 there would be more vivid complaints maybe by this mr.vikas dubey, (under different aliases) who started it all for reasons best known to him...Life does not end with a few hundred or thousand rupees going down the drain and blame yourself for letting it happen, just because you kept your pocket zip open. Crying over split milk is for sisies...not guys...maybe...[/QUOTE]

Am a Lawyer.Practising in Thane. I am of the opinion that the complaint put by mr.vikas dubey on the website or the net is not legally subsisting, sustainable in any court of law in India. All mr.vikas dubey has a email. And the fact that he did deposit money in the account. In any Indian Contract Act there must be a proper communication duly dated, signed and with address to show that mr.A (in this case mr.muthreja suresh/sheetal enterprises) was offering a laptop on instalment and after depositing the money did mr.B (in this case mr.vikas dubey) get a written confirmation of the order and or a valid and binding receipt from Sheetal Enterprises ?.If Offer was made by mr.A or m/s.Sheetal Enterprises for sale than mr.B should have made the payment into the account of mr.A or account of Sheetal Enterprises and not some mr. or miss C\'s account.Did he verify if Sheetal Enterprises really exist ? Did he have the postal and or the registered address and or the Seal of Sheetal Enterprises when he placed the order ? The Courts in India do not accept emails and smses as proof/evidence.Mr.vikas dubey being educated and of sound mind is himself to blame for rushing into a pit. He will have to spend money (with no guarantee if gets it back legally.And of course in the first instance prove it as a real and subsisting Contract.Besides from the complaint put by mr.vikas he claims to complain on behalf of himself and his friend. Does his friend have any offer of sale of laptop on emi by sheetal enterprises ? any receipt/acknowledgement from sheetal enterprises signed, sealed and addressed to him (his friend).Doubtful. As mr.vikas dubey has put as exhibit, only one email of sheetal enterprises. His friend is out of legal limits to claim the money i.e.,7000 as even sheetal enterprises did not offer his friend any laptop directly.An offer to mr.B cannot be utilised as offer for mr.c or mr.d or mr.z and even if availed can be annulled/challenged in any Court of Law.
So mr.vikas dubey you may someday get your money back but your friend has already lost his case and the money as well, Legally. Sad but true.

Tue, 23 Feb 2010  Nagesh Rane

I have read many matters about this guy suresh muthreja. i am related to NCP Chembur Shakha.
we are in the process of investigating the matters against him in chembur and will get in touch with you soon

Sun, 21 Feb 2010  Reshma

its a big complex. all this back biting of this mr. muthreja suresh.. sleeping over the matter and waking up to add name to the complaint. ..mature, educated guys like mr.vikas dubey and this new mr.raj from chembur, going out of their way to get things done illegally or legally and when things go wrong shout from the top of the roof. Wake up man. maybe by the end of 2010 there would be more vivid complaints maybe by this mr.vikas dubey, (under different aliases) who started it all for reasons best known to him...Life does not end with a few hundred or thousand rupees going down the drain and blame yourself for letting it happen, just because you kept your pocket zip open. Crying over split milk is for sisies...not guys...maybe...