Sheetal Enterprises - Laptop Loan Fraud - By Sheetal Enterprices ( Suresh muthreja)
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Complaint by: Vikas Dubey on November 23, 2009, 6:41 pm in Loans All

Dear Sir,

My name is Vikas Dubey.
I am living in tarapur Boisar.
1 month before i have seen one advertisment on having offer of - Labtops on Emi
I was intreasted so i have posted a message to advertiser that i am intreasted.
Second day He has send a Email with detils.
The person name is - SURESH MUTHREJA
He is mailing add is : -
His cell no is - ********34

On that mail he has asked that we have to submit 3 months sallery slip, 3 Months Bank statment , Our Resident proof, Id proof along with Quotation of Local computer dealer and 25 % amount of desired laptop. We can pay in 6/12/18/24 months emi.He has promiced to complete all procedure in 72 hrs (3 working days.)
on receipt of that email me and my friend manoj sharma have taken a quotation from our local dealer and send a scan copy along with our other documents through email.

on sunday 11th October. on monday Mr suresh has called and given a account no to Transfer 25% amount for further processing.
The account no given was -
S.B.A NO - ********9214
ICICI BANK Chembur Branch.
The account holder name is - POONAM SURESH MUTHREJA.
We have asked him about this account , he said this is his doughters account.

Then on 12th Oct - we both has transfered 7000 rs from boths account to icici bank account ********9214 through Internet banking thransaction no is are : -

000124072927 from my icici bank account - 00********50
(Vikas Vedprakash Dubey)

Thransaction no - 000124071579 FROM ICICI BANK ACCOUNT - 00********08 (Manoj kumar visheakarma)

Total transfered amount is - 14000 Rs.

he has asked to complete a process in 3 days and send a DD in Favour Server-tech computers on 16th Oct.
On 16th becouse on 13th there is a elections in maharashtra and it is off.
we have called him on 16th he said the bank is asking for Guarantor so tyhe process was delayed, he has aske to do the needfull after diwali (diwali off is on 17 & 18 oct )

we have told him to refund money but he is insisting to do the needfull after diwali.
again i have contacted on 19th Oct , he asked me to do the needfull in next 3-4 days. The process continues and whenever i called him he give a new reason of delay or he ask me becose he is busy so no be able to do the needfull... again and again he asked me to complete process in nest few days....
Finally after 20 days i have asked this to refund our money on 10th Nov and asked him to refound money...
He agreed and ask me to refund on 15th Nov...

On 15th November whole day he has not recvd our call and on 16th he told us that he has send cash through dropbox and same will be credited to our account in next 24 hrs... on 17th i have called again ... then he said to check with branch why the money has not been credited.
he said me to advise what happen by afternoon...
i have asked him if he has droped cash in drop box send me the scan copy of counterfoil... but no he asked me to deposit money in my account on 18th morning, but he has not deposited...
again on 19th he said to deposit money today but no
the same commitment he is commiting from last 5-6 days whenever i call either he didn\'t recv call or ask me to do the needfull today or tomorrow.....
Still whenever he recv our call he ask to do the needfull tomorrow.
but i dont know when his tomorrow come.....

If you search key word - muthreja2009 on google, many many advertisment on many wensites you will find related to suresh muthreja.. his advertisment is regarding real estate brockrage, laptop emi , flats on rent in mumbai ets... i am worried if this person is doing same thing with his other consumers...
he is also having 2 website - &
he is playing game... with us.......
Today morning also we are trying to call and after co many calls he has not recvd calls but send a message that he will do the needfull on monday. This types of commitment he is doing form last 40 days...

I have all his emails and sms messages with me....
i have his many many voice recorning on my cell phone.... i have allready given internet transaction numbers

now he is not refunding our money also laptop finance not done by him...

i realised now that i have made a big big mistack after transfering money to his account withour knowing hom ... but what to do now...

can we take any legal action against him.....

I am provide you emails, sms and call voice recordings.

Pls guide me..

Best Regards
Vikas Dubey
Cell no - ********88
Email -
Office no - 02525-261264 / 261263 Extn no - 7721.
Contact no(Resi) - 02525 - 284966

Complainant's Goal: I want with Mr Suresh Muthreja to refund our Money which we have transfered.
Complainant's Target: Sheetal Enterprises
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraThane
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Recent Comments
Tue, 09 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Vikas can you please mail me the bank documents where you had transffered The money into Suresh Muthrejas ICICI acc my Lawyer needs it tomorrow morning. Please call me at the earliest im still telling you that do not get into any mediators they will not help you and give me the name of the mediator is it shinde? reply me or call me ASAP

Mon, 08 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

this blog will be full of comments until Vikas gets justuice Muthreja. He told me not to take any action on saturday as you spoke to some one from chembur he did not disclose the mediators name. but vikas when ever you want me to proceed let me know. i am always here for all victims like you and you dont have to be scared of any one il with you. Awaiting your call

Mon, 08 Mar 2010  Muthreja Suresh

Will the real Mr.Vikas Dubey, Mr.nagesh Rane, Mr.Muthreja Suresh stand up ? Hell man yesterday vikas dubey and nagesh write one thing (and blame it on me for writing) and than today someone writes as suresh muthreja. Humbug. rubbish. Am no longer interested whatever you post here. Whatever the consequences just refrain from personal, defamatory and intimidatory remarks.

Mon, 08 Mar 2010  Suresh Muthreja

Vikas.. I am sorry ,pls dont take any legal action against me.
i am ready to refund your your 14000 Rs and same i have promiced to Our Mediator also.
I am very poor man and i dont have 14000 now but i pls give me some time i will pay as soon as possible.
Pls dont take any legal action.
pls forgave me i will refund asap.

Mon, 08 Mar 2010   Message By Complainant Vikas Dubey

I have spoken to Mr Rane the comment no 41 which was posted by mr rane was not posted by him.
He is unawair of that post.
We have traced the IP off that post and now we are in touch with icomplaint to take a legal action.
MR muthreja your are thing you are very smart but lets see what i can do.
you are posting comments from my name and Mr Rane's name but be ready now.

Sun, 07 Mar 2010   Message By Complainant Vikas Dubey

Dear all,
Stop posting comments which is not related to the subject.
In last 24 hrs the comments (comment no 30 to comment no 40) was all not related with the complaint subject.
Comment no 40 which was posted using my name was also not my comment. Pls be noted.
it was posted by someone else may be by mr muthreja.
if anyone want to reconfirm regarding comment no 40 ,can call me on my cell ********88 and vouch me.
Yes i would like to say to Mr Rane to stop posting any more comments because we are in touch with mr muthreja with Some third party whom mr muthreja know very well and the third party who is mediator between me and mr muthreja want to give few days more because mr muthreja is not able to refund now becouse of some he dont have,
I trust third party so i m ready to give few more days to mr muthreja. I don’t want to disclosed the name of mediator on this blog.
i m also posting message to administrator of this website to remove comment no 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 immediately because it is not related to subject.

Sun, 07 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Ok Mr.Vikas Dubey. It was only at your request and your offer of Services charges to me, if I helped you get your money back ,that I started commenting against Mr.muthreja suresh.If you have reached an amicable settlement, its ok. Am no longer going to comment hence forth or do anything in the matter. What about my service charges ? should I come to boisar to collect ?

Sun, 07 Mar 2010   Message By Complainant Vikas Dubey

Mr.Nagesh Rane please stop posting messages. I have nothing to do with you, your NCP or your Sampark. I have already settled the matter amicably with Mr.Muthreja Suresh. Any more postings by you Mr.Nagesh Rane and I shall sue you through my lawyers and take police action as well.

Fri, 05 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Suresh All is taken care. do not worry about anything. And i meet 100 muthrejas like you on daily basis. You have mentioned ACps name and Sawants name on this blog so that means you are threatning us with their name. Do you think i will get scared of that. I dont want to give big talks like you, you are absolutely free from my side to do anything you like to on me. i have all the time and money in the world. rather than wasting your time on this blog if you would have returned peoples money that should have been a bettr idea. and i am not a third party i am a social worker in my area and i had received your complaints before as well so its my right to interfere in such forums being a well wisher of the society. My person will be coming to give you the cd recordings that we have with emails and sms copy of the telephone operator that you had with Vikas dubey. also i have the copy of your signed receipt that you gave to manjrekar. so lets stop blogging over here and meet in person soon and see who can do what legally.
Best wishes

Fri, 05 Mar 2010   Message By Complainant Vikas Dubey

Sorry all , i told you yesterday that it is my last post but After seeing Mr Muthreja'Replay i have to replay.

Dear Mr Muthreja, Tuesday is very faraway. So we are coming tomorrow only.
You will be glad toknow that Me , Manoj Vishwakarma, Pravin manjrekar all are coming tomorrow in chembur police station.
We dont have your no But if you want can contact me on ********88, manoj on ********95 and Pravin manjrekar on his cell - ********56.

we all are coming to chembur police station tomorrow to settel the dispute.
I dont wanted to post any more comments on this blog but bcoz i dont have any contact no , i am doing this.

I want to remind you that you have to refund our money which you forgotten.


Regarding proof against you we have voice recordings , emails , sms and most important is Bank statment and Mr Pravin is having your hand writen & signed receipt of money and you copy of pan card which youhave given as your identity.
I think this all are enough evidance to show to police and lodge F.I.R against you and remember

This is a truth that we have transfered money without knowing you and you thinked that after changing cell no , mail id you will be free to use our money.
But remember we have proof and most important support of many peoples who know you wery well now so See you tomorrow.

Fri, 05 Mar 2010  Muthreja Suresh

An appointment has already been sought with Shri Ritesh Kumar, ACP, Chembur Police Station for tuesday the 9th of March, 2010 (since he is out of station and unavailable ) for disciplinary and police action against mr.nagesh rane for his comments so posted on this website.As for the matter with mr.vikas dubey my lawyer is replying to mr.vikas directly with copy ( at address provided by) to mr.nagesh rane. A seperate defamation case will also be filed in court of law against mr.nagesh rane.So Please ensure no "defamatory" , "intimidatory", "threatening" comments are further posted here by anyone.

Fri, 05 Mar 2010  Muthreja Suresh

Thanks Helpdesk for removing objectionable comments. But I still find a latest comment that is alleging in nature and created by a third party (individual/ngo/political whatever),the mr.nagesh rane, again.The step by step action publicly made by mr.nagesh rane is illegal and against the law. He has already declared me a criminal and that the over and that I am under arrest and or likely to be arrested.This is against my human rights to get a chance to be heard legally and officially. I have also met Inspector Sawant of Chembur Police Station who was kind enough to admit that there are no legal grounds for f.i.r., or arrest.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010   Message By Complainant vikas dubey

We have enough war or words.
I totally agree with you Mr Rane.
Sorry i my cell was not rechable.
I will now settel the dispute through police only.
We have given morethen 3 months to refund our money but failed to get our mony back.
Now will meet and Mr Muthreja in police station and court.

Once again thankyou so much to ICOMPLAINT and Mr Nagesh Rane.

without this 2 ppls it is impossible to reach Mr Muthreja.
I hope this is my last post on this blog.
After getting matter solved by police and court, i'll put Result on this blog.

Till then thankyou so much for supporting my complaint and helping and guiding me so much through Icomplaint.

Thankyou Icomplaint.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010  Nagesh Rane

Mrs Asha Shah. i will meet u personally give me yr address. You seem to be in immense favour of suresh. we have already file a complaint with all proofs against muthreja. and in the process of filing the FIR. i am from shell colony chembur. you can reach me at NCP Bhawan. ward VI shakha no 86. any time.
Vikas i think we must stop the blog and as i told you in the afternoon that we need to show some action i have spoken to Sr inspector of police Chembur today. why is yr cell coming switched off. things will work in your favor for sure. do not post anything on this blog now and we will play things as decided on sauturday.
Wish you all the best Asha Shah and Suresh Muthreja in this matter.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010   Message By Complainant Vikas Dubey

Dear Help desk Icomplaint,

I haveposted my orignal complaint on 23rd November. And from that time i am asking Mr Muthreja to Refund our Money.

I have clearley mentioned my Goal of writing complaint on this forum That i want my money back from Mr Muthreja which i have transfered to His Doughters poonam muthreja's icici bank account ********9214 on 12th Oct - 2009.

The transaction nos are 000124072927 & 000124071579

If Mr Muthreja has refund our money earlier there is no need to write this blog.

Now also i am saying REFUND MY MONEY and CLOSE THE MATTER.
I am also not intreasted to continue this matter and want to settel the dispute any how now.
If mr Muthreja refund my money tomorrow the matter will be closed from our side immediatelly.

If Mr Muthreja want to settel the dispute then anyhow he refunded the money by now but No after morethen 3 month of posting this message he has still not refund our money back.

I am sure if i have not complaint on this forum it is impossible for me to trace Mr Muthreja. This is becouse if Icomplaint so many ppls are taking intreast on this case and helping me.

I again want to say to Mr. Muthreja -REFUND MY MONEY & CLOSE THE MATTER

Thu, 04 Mar 2010  Message from Helpdesk

We request all people making comments on this matter to be related to the matter only and against the original problem initiated by complainant.

No personal comments or defamatory allegations allowed on complaints. Your comments can be blocked with no further comment s allowed.

Please read Terms of Services for more details.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010  Asha Shah

Mr.Muthreja, I would advice you to file a F.I.R., at your residence jurisdiction, with mumbai police against mr.nagesh rane seperately and following it up with the Commissioner of Police, Mumbai for the defamatory postingsby him against your father and brother who do not in any way appear to be involved or part of the complaint posted by mr.vikas dubey.A good lawyer in your area will see mr.nagesh rane arrested with proper process of law.If you need one please feel free to email me at