Accel Frontline Service - Lacie USB 320 GB Drive and its non cooperating to repair or rectify
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Complaint by: alok on June 5, 2009, 5:28 pm in Computers and Accessories

Most respectfully I beg to state that I have purchased the lacie d2 Extreme HDD USB (320 GB) ( S/N 112********47E)( on 30th march, 2009 from RR system 103, Balaji House, Nehru place, New Delhi-110019, (vide invoice no RR/08-09/35232 dated 30th March, 2009). Later I had also copied the recovered data from other Harddisk into this LACIE Drive. In fact this drive was purchased for the purchase of copying the recovered data. But suddenly on 7th May, 2009 the Lacie USB HDD was suddenly stoped working. I have made complaint to lacie customer support (Ticket #: 100742859) (URL :
Lacie Support (Accel Frontline Service) has reponded quickly on 7th may 2009 and lingered out by discussing the problems over one month, till today and suddenly came out idea that our drive is old purchase and warantte is expired, therefore can not be considered for further discussion or repair or replace. On the contrary, I have original invoice bearing the details specified above (RR/08-09/35232 dated 30th March, 2009), the same can also be validated with M/S RR Systems, New Delhi.
M/S Accel Frontline Service ( LAcie Support service) claims.
Quote \"hi Aloks, There should be 3 years warranty for your drive normally, accroding our record, the last shipment date is 30 March,2007 on this drive (SN: 112********47E) , so it is expired.\"
Though it is NOT correct that we have purchased on 2007. there could be some data entry errors at the end of M/S Accel Frontline Services. or else, it is delibrately denying the claim of recover the data and repair the drive. Even three years is not elasped after 30th march, 2007. However, it is misleading and hiding the fact and non-coperating to honour the waranttee period.

One of more interesting thing, that lacie support service is maintained by M/s Accel Frontline Services Limited and person who dealt my request has real name as \"Karthik\", as I have spoken with him over phone, but when writes on Lacie Support service, he beocmes Joey H. What is reason for two different name of same person, handling business? could be, he can do some frauds and not recognised legally?

Most respectfully I prey that there are so many malpractices and vanites beng happening in the IT industry and company like Accel frontline Services limited and RR Systems are taking due benefits of innocent customers by befooling them and harrasing and misleading them and I am one of the victim. I prey that these worng practices and concern person and companies should be penalised suitably for the harrassment and damages, so that they will not repeat the same to others.

Complainant's Goal: To repair the drive without lossing the importtant data
Complainant's Target: Accel Frontline Service
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Sun, 07 Jun 2009  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Accel Frontline Service on June 7, 2009, 4:37 pm