I am an Idea Cellular customer for the past four years. My Idea Prepaid connection No. ********70. One Idea representative from Amar Telk, Opp BEM High school, Surya Complex, TB Road, Palakkad 678 001 approached me by offering various facilities and forced to change my connection to postpaid on 02.07.2013 and I have given my Driving license copy and Photo for the post paid connection. After changing the connection they have disconnected all the out going and incoming calls and completely barred all the services to the above mobile number. I am a business person and the phone is mainly for my business purpose and It has caused me for huge financial loss as well as tremendous mental agony. The mobile number is barred till now. I want to activate my mobile number which I was using for the past four years and need compensation for the loss due for my business by disconnecting my mobile number ********70 . The Compensation amount is for Rs.500000.