Idea Cellular - Idea cellular, by far the worst service provider who cheats and loots customers
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Complaint by: Naveen on January 1, 2011, 4:18 pm in Mobile Service Providers

I have been a Idea customer since last 7 years and i think i had it enough with the latest fiasco i had with the way Idea and its customer care executives treat customers like me. Last month i had an bill amount of Rs 1581 with a due date of 12th Dec 2010, this bill was paid on 9th dec 2010 from my savings account ( which i feel is well within the due date) and on 17th dec 2010 i get an SMS for Rs 110 as due. ( which i found out from ur customer care to be cheque bounce charges) though the bill was paid on time Idea sends an auto debit on my expired credit card and on 22nd dec 2010 my outgoing calls are barred. I had to fight with the customer care executives to get my outgoing calls activated with a promise that they will not trouble me for the Rs 110. Now in the next bill i see my outstanding balance as 110 and to rub salt in to the wound they added another Rs 100 as late payment charges along with the bill for Dec. I have cleared the entire bill amount today resigned to the fact that talking to the customer care might relieve me of more money.
i am dieing to see the number portability you so passionately advertise to be implemented, because i am sure there are many customers like me who are desperate to leave you let alone new customers from other networks joining.
I will make it a point here after to broadcast my experience with you to all my connections who are using idea.

Best regards

Complainant's Goal: to ensure they do not ransack others in the same way
Complainant's Target: Idea Cellular
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Thu, 06 Jan 2011 - Business Reply from - ideacellular (Idea Cellular)

Dear Sir,

Kindly provide your Idea cellular number for further assistance. You can also get in touch with our Customer care centre - details updated on Idea website.


Sat, 01 Jan 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Idea Cellular on January 1, 2011, 4:18 pm