Idea Cellular - I am not stisfied with idea cellular sevices.
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Complaint by: hemant kb. on February 17, 2011, 11:52 am in Mobile and Cell Phones

I am an existing customer of idea cellular services till date i had no problem with them hence i decided to have a idea data card(net setter) for my home use & they provided it promply taking 1600.00 RS some where on 15.12.2010.

After 2 day they activated the connection for the Data card but to my utter suprise its observed that its very slow ,even in that its not possiable to acess my emails also most of the time it takes around 2 hours to acess my emails,even its not possiable to brouse through idea cellular services site itself with data card.

For which i logged several complaints but its never addressed to my satisfaction,only the customer care excutive or some technical persons calls me & they closed the complaint as if it resolved.

Then after one month with out my prioer authorization they add up the net setter rental to my existing cell bill(no.********15) & delivered bill to me ,which i complained to them since netsetter & cell both are diffrent hence pls send me 2 diffrent bills as cell i do not have any issue i want to continue & want to pay the bills but net setter is not working from the first day itself and some complains are pending so sent separate bill for that & resolve the issues related to the net setter or reimburse the amount which they had taken from me as the product called netsetter is a third class product more over idea might not have the technology for NET CONNECTIVITY/Technical resources to provide seamless high speed net services.

They never provided me a separate bill ,hence due to lack of transperancy i did not pay them with dicussion with their customer services dept then also they deactivated my cell phone services(no.********15)

Hence i demand now the following 2 thins.

1.Restore my mobile services for the no.********15 immediately as there is no fault from my side as billing is your mistake for which we have already discussed several times.

2.Take back the net setter & reimburse the net setter amount to me with intreast for Rs.1600.00 From 15.12.2010 to till date ,as at first i asked for a demo but instead of that they delivered a a sustandard product & services to me & then deactivated my cell line for same..

Complainant's Goal: 1.Restore call facility cell.9912474915 2.Reimberse netsetter amount.
Complainant's Target: Idea Cellular
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Recent Comments
Wed, 02 Mar 2011   Message By Complainant hemanth kumar


as per last mail all the requred details already sent to you,could you please update me on this.


Fri, 25 Feb 2011   Message By Complainant hemanth kumar

Q1.Please mention the Alternate contact Number?

A1.********09 & can be contacted after 4.00PM.

Q2. Is GPRS facility active and Profile settings configured in PC/LAPTOP?

A2.No Idea.....Most probably EDGE facility active.

Q3What is the error message displayed?

A3.I have not tried to use this since a long,now the service might be deactvated due to non payment of bills....

But when service was active there was no error message ,but it used to take too much time to brows through website openning emails etc with a average speed of 00 to 40 kbps.

Q4Address of the location with landmarks, where customer is unable to use the facility.,NEW MIG,Phase-II,vidyutnagar,BHEL hyderabad-502030.

Q5Whether the device is working fine at other locations?

A5.I use this product/service for my home use ,do not use out side hence no idea about performance in other locations.

Now its not possiable to experiment that as the service is deactivated due to non payment of bills.

Thu, 24 Feb 2011 - Business Reply from - ideacellular (Idea Cellular)

Dear Sir,

We regret for the inconvenience caused. We request you to provide the details for further action: Q1.Please mention the Alternate contact Number? Q2. Is GPRS facility active and Profile settings configured in PC/LAPTOP?Q3What is the error message displayed?Q4Address of the location with landmarks, where customer is unable to use the facility.Q5Whether the device is working fine at other locations?


Thu, 17 Feb 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Idea Cellular on February 17, 2011, 11:52 am