Idea Cellular Gujrat - I am not satisfied with your Distributor Service !
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Complaint by: Max Mobile World on April 29, 2010, 8:48 pm in Mobile Service Providers

Respected Sir,

I am a retailer of your company!
10 days before I got a demo card of your company, for recharge, unbarring and enjoying other services of your company!

But till today the distributor havent registered my Demo Card!
My all customers are going back! You can understand what impression will happen of my shop if i cant provide good response to the customer!

I keep calling the distributors daily and he is not giving me good response!
At last i told him that i will complain it to the Idea Cellular Company but he told be that YOU CAN DO WHATEVER U WANT TO DO, I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOUR COMPLAIN!
Is this the service the IDEA CELLULAR COMPANY provides the retailer?

I think you can understand my problem and will take some strict steps with this types of Distributors!

The Name of Distributors is:
********61, ********01

Thanking You

Sayem S. Patel
Shop No 5, Vrundavan Society,
Palanpur Jakat Naka
Surat - 5

Complainant's Goal: I am not satisfied with the Distributor of your Company
Complainant's Target: Idea Cellular Gujrat
Complaint Location: IndiaGujaratSurat
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Recent Comments
Fri, 23 Feb 2018  HIMANSHU

Dear Sir/mam

Hi IDEA, My shop has been open for 4 months near SHOP NO 78, POCKET-4, SECTOR 22, ROHINI area and I have called twenty or twenty five times to an executive or dealer of IDEA but they are not coming for advertising and Flaxi sim as I am getting a good response from this complaint is against an executive and dealer of this area as they are not responding properly...and this is my request you to please provide me Lapu sim and Some advertisement posters and all...thank you.

Thanks & Regards


Wed, 11 Oct 2017  Vikas shakya

Dear sir
I am Idea promoter from Surat location Pandesara distributor Swastik Enterprise distributor name Amit
He was always using wrong words to promoters and not support to all promoter anytime every time
Finally I will decided for complain please help us to solve this problem because it is a very uncomfortable for me

Thu, 27 Apr 2017  Deepak Gupta

Dear Sir,
As You know very well that I am facing many problems last many days that’s Why I cleared many Issues With Mr. Raunak But Mr. Raunak Getting Angry That”s Why I Getting Angry too, Just want to know why you did this ?, as well as Who will Be responsible for My Current Stock and Market turn over. As you know I always gave my best So Please Do Me Continue And Solve My Below problems. This In Not Good Manner that you Sudden Close My all Service This is Harmful For Idea And Customers as well For us SO Just Avide this And Do Continue
1.Data Sim Issue Stock
2. RCV Coupan ( 40,000 Approx )
3. Normal sim
4. Market Invest

Deepak Kumar Gupta
+91- ********47

Thu, 27 Apr 2017  Deepak Gupta

Dear Sir,
As You know very well that I am facing many problems last many days that’s Why I cleared many Issues With Mr. Raunak But Mr. Raunak Getting Angry That”s Why I Getting Angry too, Just want to know why you did this ?, as well as Who will Be responsible for My Current Stock and Market turn over. As you know I always gave my best So Please Do Me Continue And Solve My Below problems. This In Not Good Manner that you Sudden Close My all Service This is Harmful For Idea And Customers as well For us SO Just Avide this And Do Continue
1.Data Sim Issue Stock
2. RCV Coupan ( 40,000 Approx )
3. Normal sim
4. Market Invest

Deepak Kumar Gupta
+91- ********47

Thu, 19 May 2016  प्रवीन सोडिय&#

सेवा में,

श्रीमान जी आईडिया केयर
आईडिया सैल्‍यूलर अधिकारी
निवेदन यह है कि मैने आईडिया का नया सिम लिया है जोकि अभी तक नही चल पाया है प्रार्थी प्रवीन सोडियान गॉव नसीरपुर तहसील बुढाना जिला मु0 नगर पिन कोड 251309 का निवासी हैा ********22 नया सिम लिया हैा प्रार्थी ने जिस व्‍यक्ति से सिम लिया हैा उसने यह सिम नही चलाया हैा मैने आईडी में अपना आधार कार्ड दिया था दो बार मिल भी चुका हॅु लेकिन कोई जवाब नही मिल पाया हैा आपसे निवेदन करता हुॅ कि आप मेरी प्रर्थाना पर ध्‍याान देगे'
आपकी अति क़पा होगी

दिनाकं19;05;2016 प्रवीन सोडियान
मो0 ********55

Thu, 19 May 2016  PRAVEEN SODIYAN

सेवा में,

श्रीमान जी आईडिया केयर

निवेदन यह है कि मैने आईडिया का नया सिम लिया है जोकि अभी तक नही चल पाया है प्रार्थी प्रवीन सोडियान गॉव नसीरपुर तहसील बुढाना जिला मु0 नगर पिन कोड 251309 का निवासी हैा ********22 नया सिम लिया हैा प्रार्थी ने जिस व्‍यक्ति से सिम लिया हैा उसने यह सिम नही चलाया हैा मैने आईडी में अपना आधार कार्ड दिया था दो बार मिल भी चुका हॅु लेकिन कोई जवाब नही मिल पाया हैा आपसे निवेदन करता हुॅ कि आप मेरी प्रर्थाना पर ध्‍याान देगे'
आपकी अति क़पा होगी

दिनाकं19;05;2016 प्रवीन सोडियान
मो0 ********55

Fri, 05 Feb 2016  neeraj chauhan

am not satisfied our distributer goyal form house baghpat. Our not give facility balancr.recharge.coupen.simcard.duplicate sim and not open daily you can change this distributer

Thu, 16 Jan 2014  palej retailer

I am a retailer of your company!
3 years before I got a demo card of your company, for recharge, unbarring and enjoying other services of your company!

But distributor sales executive not provide my vtopup balance!
all customers are going back! You can understand what impression will happen of my shop if i cant provide good response to the customer!

I keep calling the distributors daily and he is not giving me good response!
At last i told him that i will complain it to the Idea Cellular Company but he told be that YOU CAN DO WHATEVER U WANT TO DO, I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOUR COMPLAIN!
Is this the service the IDEA CELLULAR COMPANY provides the retailer?

I think you can understand my problem and will take some strict steps with this types of Distributors!

The Name of Distributors is:shad mobile-********55
address: village palej taluka and district bharuch pin 392220

Tue, 19 Jun 2012  OM pARKASH FOZDAR

i want your attention please.i m a reatilar of Idea Celluar in narnaul(haryana).i have a problem.your Distributer PURAN MAL & COMPANY in narnaul is not cleared my claim of flexi.i request you please solve my problem as soon as flexi number is ********50

Thu, 29 Apr 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Idea Cellular Gujrat on April 29, 2010, 8:48 pm