Idea Cellular Gujrat - I am not satisfied with the service of Idea Net Surfer 9904103146
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Complaint by: Nand on January 16, 2010, 4:42 am in Internet Related

January 16, 2010

The Accounts Officer,
The Idea Office,

Sub. : Idea Net Surfer for RESIDENTIAL Purpose.
Ref. : Your Bill of Rs.1426.47.

This is in reference to the Notice dated 06-01-10 for the outstanding amount of Rs.1426.47.

I am very sorry to say that the connection which I have got connected for a job enquiry and for some job works. I had selected the 1 GB scheme of Rs.299 (Monthly 512 mb and free usage of 1GB i.e. 1.512 gb.) At first, the Idea people told me the 1 gb is enough for email and net surfing. Only for that purpose I get it connected. But, I could not find any suitable job / income from the purchase of this Net surfer from Idea for a month.

There was a problem in their bill. I had approached their local agent to enquire the matter, but I could not get any positive response by telling that we can do nothing because the bill generates by the system. I am not agree with the bill amount generated by the Net surfer / Idea system. I would like to inform you that the system of the Idea Net surfer that it is not sufficient for the genuine public using for residential use because as the system not stop/warn/inform when it goes more use. It allows the public to consume more and more and it generates consumption bill more than that the scheme. It is not there in the system that it warn/inform me for more consumption as per the applied scheme, but the system have not asked me for onward consumption, as per the scheme provided to the public by the Idea. Lack of the system, the facility is not in favour to the public. This system is only in favour of the company to cheat the public and earn more income. Due to which, there is many other people like me is suffering by this failure system.

There was call, personally visited my residence many time for the balance amount by the Idea people. But those people could not answer me regarding the consumption of my usage and the system. I had also visited their agent office in Chendkheda to enquire about the usage system provided by them, but they also could not answered. All the time I discussed the matter with those people who have contacted me over phone or personally, but there was no any positive response received.

This must be noticed that there is no any responsible person contacting or in there agent office to responds my queries. They all working for the company and not for the public solution sort-out. Beside to all they have approached a lawyer for the recovery of outstanding amount to disturb the common man by legal war. Legal threat to a common man is also to be considered as forcefully recovery of a small amount with additional legal charges. Now they also want a legal charge without interest of me. If it is from my part, I will be responsible for the legal advice charges. The matter had to sort out by any responsible Accounts Officer of the company, but they had not done it.

Now I am mentally disturbed due to the problems of my physical health, financially not strong and a good job. If there happens anything wrong incident in my residence due to the legal threats, the Idea people will be responsible.
From my part there is two option to recover the money that 1) as and when I will get a good job, I can pay the amount at once or I can pay you a monthly amount of Rs.100 as a deduction of the bill 2) I can surrender the Net surfer which you had supplied me with a cost of Rs.2500. It is upto you.

I am waiting for a suitable response.

Thanking you,

Nandakumar Nair.

Complainant's Goal: Extension period of Bill amount pay
Complainant's Target: Idea Cellular Gujrat
Complaint Location: IndiaGujaratKheda
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Sun, 17 Jan 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Idea Cellular Gujrat on January 17, 2010, 9:26 pm