A to Z Manthan Cable Network - I am not satisfied with the service of A to Z Manthan Cable Network
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Complaint by: KHOKAN on September 15, 2011, 4:23 pm in Satellite and Cable TV

Dear Sir,

Sub: Complaint against M/s. Anjali Cable Link System, 11 Sashi Bhushan Neogi
Garden Lane, Kolkata – 700 036 (2577-4872) for providing poor service

I am sorry to inform you that in spite of my repeated requests to the representative of M/s. Anjali Cable Link System, Kolkata under your cable network, who has been collecting monthly subscription from my house timely, for changing the jack and wire which are very old and may have been damaged due to long time use, for that reason I have been facing a lot of problems for the last two and half months and till today they have not changed the same and not given any importance to my complaint.

I have been paying subscription Rs.210/- (Rupees two hundred and ten only) per month including service tax against about 82 channels only which please note. Please also note that they are not issuing any bill to me against the said subscription which is gross violation of rules. It has come to my knowledge from other sources that they have been collecting Rs.180/- per month from various consumers who are not registered with them because no cards have been issued against their names. Is it justified or not?

You are requested to instruct them to look into this matter very seriously and take necessary action immediately without any delay.

Please acknowledge receipt and give me your valuable reply as well as action at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Ashoke Kumar Deb
C/o, Late Bhupal Chandra Deb
106/E/9, Maharaja Nanda Kumar Road (South)
Near Darjipara Harisabha
P.O. Baranagar
Kolkata – 700 036
Phone : 03325781541

Complainant's Goal: I want good service, to view more chanels, low subscription&drop differences.
Complainant's Target: A to Z Manthan Cable Network
Complaint Location: IndiaWest BengalKolkata
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Thu, 15 Sep 2011  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to A to Z Manthan Cable Network on September 15, 2011, 4:23 pm