A to Z Manthan Cable Network - Cable Operator not providing me RPlus News Channel since 17.12.12
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Complaint by: DEB on February 8, 2013, 2:52 pm in Satellite and Cable TV

Dear Sir,

Sub : Complaint against M/s. Anjali Cable Link System, 11 Sashi Bhushan Neogi Garden Lane, Kolkata – 700 036 (033-25774872) under A to Z Manthan Cable Network, 22/1/12, Jogendra Basakh Road, Kolkata – 700 036 (Ph: 033-25770836) for not providi two News Channels NewsTime & RPlus since long

I regret to inform you that though in the first phase, I had already taken a Set-Top Box from M/s. Anjali Cable Link System, 11, Sashi Bhusan Neogi Garden Lane, Kolkata-700 036 who are under A to Z Manthan Cable Network and have been paying subscription Rs.210/- (Rupees two hundred and ten only) per month including service tax since long even they stopped to give me services of two News Channels (1) NewsTime & (2) RPlus for more than one and half months. I tried to contact them several times over phone but they did not receive my phone calls, that means, they are ignoring me intentionally. But it has come to my knowledge that the other Cable Operator has been giving the said services to their consumers in our area. Yesterday, again they started to give me the service of NewsTime only. Still they have not provided me the RPlus Channel which may kindly be noted.

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly look into this matter very seriously and take necessary action immediately without any delay.

Please acknowledge receipt and give me your valuable reply as well as action at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Dilip Kumar Deb
On behalf of Ashoke Kumar Deb
C/o, Late Bhupal Chandra Deb
106/E/9, Maharaja Nanda Kumar Road (South)
Near Darjipara Harisabha
P.O. Baranagar
Kolkata – 700 036
Mobile : ********39

Complainant's Goal: Compensation required against not providing services in full.
Complainant's Target: A to Z Manthan Cable Network
Complaint Location: IndiaWest BengalNorth 24 Parganas
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Thu, 09 Jun 2016  SANATAN DAS

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that myself Sanatan Das (151/A, B.K.MAITRA ROAD, BARANAGAR, KOLKATA-700036) want to take a new cable connection from Shubham Cable Network (03325287167) nearest Baranagar Bazar and opposite of Baranagar Pentrol Pump before 22days. As discussed with them they charged full new set with New black box including one month subscription of Rs. 240 at Rs. 1300 (full new complete set with one month subscription). But at the time of installation they provided very old cisco white box with old local remote and they convince me that this is the new box and I have to take it and they also forced it to take. At that time I refused the same and they laid down the cable only in my house and informed that when the new box will come they will provide. It may be 30days also.

After communicating several times with them during 22days they didn't give any update and we were waiting the same during 22days also their attitude is very poor and every time ignoring this matter when we are trying to connect them. After informing them that if the box is not provide within same day need to remove the cable wire immediately and in the evening on 7th June 16 they connected with new black MANTHAN BOX and now they are charging Rs. 2000 unnecessarily and if we not pay that amount they will remove the connection.

I want to know that is this a regular process to take the extra huge amount from the customer not the optimum or actual amount.

Why we suffer this type of delay service with extra pay?

Plz. help to resolve this issue ASAP.

Best Regards,
Sanatan Das

Thu, 09 Jun 2016  SANATAN DAS

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that myself Sanatan Das (151/A, B.K.MAITRA ROAD, BARANAGAR, KOLKATA-700036) want to take a new cable connection from Shubham Cable Network (03325287167) nearest Baranagar Bazar and opposite of Baranagar Pentrol Pump before 22days. As discussed with them they charged full new set with New black box including one month subscription of Rs. 240 at Rs. 1300 (full new complete set with one month subscription). But at the time of installation they provided very old cisco white box with old local remote and they convince me that this is the new box and I have to take it and they also forced it to take. At that time I refused the same and they laid down the cable only in my house and informed that when the new box will come they will provide. It may be 30days also.

After communicating several times with them during 22days they didn't give any update and we were waiting the same during 22days also their attitude is very poor and every time ignoring this matter when we are trying to connect them. After informing them that if the box is not provide within same day need to remove the cable wire immediately and in the evening on 7th June 16 they connected with new black MANTHAN BOX and now they are charging Rs. 2000 unnecessarily and if we not pay that amount they will remove the connection.

I want to know that is this a regular process to take the extra huge amount from the customer not the optimum or actual amount.

Why we suffer this type of delay service with extra pay?

Plz. help to resolve this issue ASAP.

Best Regards,
Sanatan Das

Thu, 09 Jun 2016  SANATAN DAS

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that myself Sanatan Das (151/A, B.K.MAITRA ROAD, BARANAGAR, KOLKATA-700036) want to take a new cable connection from Shubham Cable Network (03325287167) nearest Baranagar Bazar and opposite of Baranagar Pentrol Pump before 22days. As discussed with them they charged full new set with New black box including one month subscription of Rs. 240 at Rs. 1300 (full new complete set with one month subscription). But at the time of installation they provided very old cisco white box with old local remote and they convince me that this is the new box and I have to take it and they also forced it to take. At that time I refused the same and they laid down the cable only in my house and informed that when the new box will come they will provide. It may be 30days also.

After communicating several times with them during 22days they didn't give any update and we were waiting the same during 22days also their attitude is very poor and every time ignoring this matter when we are trying to connect them. After informing them that if the box is not provide within same day need to remove the cable wire immediately and in the evening on 7th June 16 they connected with new black MANTHAN BOX and now they are charging Rs. 2000 unnecessarily and if we not pay that amount they will remove the connection.

I want to know that is this a regular process to take the extra huge amount from the customer not the optimum or actual amount.

Why we suffer this type of delay service with extra pay?

Plz. help to resolve this issue ASAP.

Best Regards,
Sanatan Das