Bharti Airtel - I am not at all satisfied with the service and behaviour of Airtel (Broad Band)
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Complaint by: Navin2911 on September 28, 2013, 6:58 am in Telecommunications

I have one broad band connection of Bharti Airtel (033 40083837). Around 2 months back my braod band was not working properly. I complaint about it and they informed me that my Modem is not working well. I asked them to replace it they asked me for the charge of around Rs 2000. I refused to pay and place the order of cancellation of my broad band. After 2 days, I have been contacted by the Airtel person and he informed that he will be providing me a new connection free of cost (without paying any modem charges), but I have to take it on my father name (Mr. Ved Prakash Gupta). I have paid cheque to the Airtel representative and he said that he will provide the connection within 3 days. But 1 week passed and nothing happened. I called up the concern person; he told it will be connected with 2 days. Then after 3 days I receive another call from the Airtel that they are unable to provide new connection, however they can fix up my old connection with a cost of Rs 1600, but that will be adjusted against my net rental bill. I enquired about my cheque, he confirmed me that it will get returned to me with in few days. It took around another 1.5 week to install the new modem and my cheque did not returned back to me.
My rental bill got generated and they have not adjusted my modem cost against it. I emailed them about it, they informed that they will get back to me by 24th Sept 2013. But I have not received any response till 27th Sept. I again enquired about the same, they informed me that it will get adjusted in the next rental. It was really very frustrating to follow up again and again, so I emailed them that I am not going to pay any amount this time. They replied back to me that please get the connection cancelled. This is not the way to just take the money and then ask the customer to cancel the connection. Moreover my cheque which I had provided for new connection got encashed. I enquired about it, they told that they have not encashed it, however in my net banking its showing debited to Bharti Airtel.
Bharti Airtel have taken from me around Rs 4350 (1600 for modem plus 2750 for new connection) and they are not cooperating at all with me to adjust or return back the money. I want my money back asap

Complainant's Goal: I want my money back asap
Complainant's Target: Bharti Airtel
Complaint Location: IndiaWest BengalKolkata
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