I would here like to state that I had purchased a RAY mobile from the mobile store shop in SAHEED NAGAR area, BHUBANESWAR on 18.9.2009. But within 3 days of purchase, the phone showed problems and I had to change it. Incidentally your agents at the Saheed Nagar store said that they donot have any stock and diverted me to the store at LEWIS ROAD, BHUBANESWAR. Though my phone was replaced at LEWIS ROAD store, they did not give me a receipt against my new phone and also kept my old reciept. Instead they asked me to collect my new receipt from the SAHEED NAGAR branch. After running to both the stores many a times and having a lots of quarrels with your agents there, I got my old reciept back on 10.8.2010, nearly after 11 months of my purchase, but not the receipt against my new phone.
Now, that my new phone has stopeed functioning since APRIl, 2010 and the warranty date of my phone is going to expire within a month, the agents at both the stores of BHUBANESWAR are refussing to give proper services to me because of which I am facing a lots of hardship. And now they are refusing give service to me. I would like you to take adequate actions soon.i hope you would take adequate actions on the mobile store.
thanking you,
ph. no.:- 0********08